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Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 6:32 pm
by Matt
Hello gang. First time here, so hi to everyone. I am posting this to first of all add my comments to the whole 'Channel 4 and Max Hardcore' thing, and also to post an email I recieved from Max Hardcore.

Ok, well after my initial 'oh my god I can't believe he did that to her' response, I took the opportunity to research a little. I enjoy porn on a regular basis, and I don't think the programme accurately portrayed the porn industry as a whole. It was a documentary on a girl, not an industry.

Felicity did not know herself well enough to handle herself. She was totally unprepared for what she was thrown into. Her pimp, sorry, agent, was a business man, sure - but that does not justify putting newcomers to the industry into such hardcore perversion as Max Hardcore and the film she did. Lucky for her, it seems she was in one of the more tame scenes in 'Rough Sex 2'.

Anyway. A little on the background to this email, which has been removed from the Channel 4 website for obvious reasons, once you read it. It is entirely genuine, and is a response to an email I sent through his website on 8/4 (Sunday). I asked him to explain himself, advising him that what was shown on Channel 4 was tantamount to sexual assault. The response is lengthy and suggests that the documentary maker, Stephen Walker (Principal Films) is not quite as transparent as he appears on camera.

I'm posting this seperately, so have a read and I'd be really interested in your thoughts. Please, no repsonses like "I don't believe you" - I can't prove it is real, but believe me it is.


Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 6:52 pm
by Matt
Here it is in full and un-messed with. Remember... Channel 4 don't want people to read this...

Dear Sir,

While I don?t know what the British television show producers showed the public concerning my video shoot with porn actress Felicity, or what you saw concerning the program, but we do know that you haven?t seen the whole story. In any case, I would like to apologize for how it appeared. I have not and have no intentions of using any of the footage of this shooting for broadcast.

Ordinarily, I don?t let film crews cover my shoots because they often put porno in the most negative light so it is more shocking to their viewers. But Felicity?s agent said it would be a big favor to him and Felicity, so I reluctantly granted them permission. As I suspected, they have completely turned this around to serve their purposes.

I?ve been making X-rated movies for ten years, and I always endeavor to treat my actresses with respect. Before each shoot, especially with a new actress, I interview her to find out what she is willing to do so there will be no problems on the set. Prior to this scene, I interviewed Felicity and explained that he wanted a pleasant scene where she is agreeable at all times.

Felicity told me that she had done several scenes before this in England, including a double penetration scene with two men, and that everything was okay with what I wanted, which in any case was not supposed to be extreme at all. She also told me that she could deep throat a penis very well. But on the set, all that changed, and she acted like she couldn?t handle it. Then without warning, she walked off the set.

Shortly after that, I went up to the dressing room and talked to her in a very reasonable manner, never threatening in any way, in an attempt calm her down and find out what had upset her so much. I was trying to determine what I had misunderstood, and make changes so we could possibly finish the scene, which her agent assured me would be the best thing to do. But she was too upset and the scene was aborted by a mutual decision.

After that, the British film crew also interviewed me on the set and her agent asked me to say some outrageous things, and even led me on by saying such things like don?t you think she?s pretty foolish and so forth. Of course they did not show these leading questions I?m sure.

I believe this whole episode happened partly because Felicity was under stress at the time, because she didn?t want to be seen doing porn in her native England. But it now seems like it was a set up by the television producers and Felicity?s agent. After all, it?s made great controversy now in England.

Finally, you should also know is that after this aborted scene with me, Felicity went to make other X-rated movies here in the US, including ?Rough Sex 2.? But the producer of that video would not allow the British film crew in the studio when it was shot. Unlike my shoots, in ?Rough Sex 2,? the sex is much more hard core with slapping and choking. Felicity completed her ?Rough Sex? scene and had and told the producers she had an enjoyable time doing it. Of course it would not be released in England.

Again, I would like to express my apologies to Felicity for any misunderstandings, as well as all the viewers of the program who found it so offensive. This is not the real Max Hardcore at all. In any case, let me assure you that I have not and never will be releasing any of this material to the public, and will never again deal with her agent.


Max Hardcore

Like I said, this is totally genuine - any comments?

Fact: In 2000, Max Hardcore produced a film in which a girl (I forget the name, sorry) pretneded to be 12 years old. His films are there for people who enjoy watching women being degraded and humiliated and stretched to their limits. That's not wrong, if both parties are consenting and gaining gratification from it, but the question is... Max Hardcore: porn industry pimp, abuser and encourager to paedophiles, or producer of a speciality line of sexual movie and champion of free speach and action.... ???

Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:11 pm
by David J
Thanks, Matt. I'm glad this is on the record. I don't find Max's reply too convincing, as some of his filmed conversation with Felicity was aggressive, if not explicitly threatening (the bit where he told her she didn't make enough 'effort', i.e. she had the temerity to object to his cock in her throat.)

But it adds to my suspicion that the film-makers were manipulating the situation more than they would like us to know.

Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:14 pm
by Matt
On the subject of which, I have acquired the address of the production company who made the documentary. The name of the firm is Principal Films, and they are based in London. I have sent the creator of the documentary a copy of the email from Max Hardcore and asked him to respond. I am expecting a reply, because his intergrity as an investigative journalist and documentary maker is under threat from the comments and implications Max Hardcore makes. More news as soon as I get it.

Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 7:35 am
by Virgil
No real insights here. I might have thought that the real Max would be able to give a bit of extra information additional to what we all saw on the TV. His e-mail seems to me to be a basic narrative of what we all saw ourselves.

Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 8:47 am
by UK Porn Viewer
Only one comment:

Read this review of a Max Hardcore film and ask yourself if you still believe what Max is saying.

Re: Response from Max Hardcore.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 1:15 pm
by joe king
Have you got the email header?

As requested: email header.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 9:41 pm
by Matt
As requested... the email header from the Max Hardcore email.

From: "MaxHardcore"
Subject: Brit Documentary
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 15:00:41 -0700

I think that the email did actually call into question the legitimacy of Channel 4's broadcast. I don't know the details, but word is C4 have 'faked' documentarys in the past.

I'm just waiting for them to respond to the charges now.

Re: As requested: email header.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2001 3:35 am
by Flett
Someone suggested a few days ago that an attempt should be made to get onto Channel 4's "Right to Reply" programme. Pity the subject is one that could only be discussed after 9.00 p.m. Pity also that the subject is one tht would be a bit tricky to want to be identified with on nattional television!

Re: As requested: email header.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2001 5:37 pm
by Claymore
But that's just the problem. We're such a subervient, cap dothing lot in the UK that there's not many folks with the balls enough to stand up and point out that the Emperor has no kit on!
