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Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:01 am
by nij
Just wanted to clarify that i emailed fiona cooper for buying some of her vids, and i got an email back from her stating that they are no longer suplying ppl in the UK .. A bit dissapointed as i am a long term fan of her vids!!
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:32 am
by Ayresome Angel
I wanted a catalogue a few weeks ago.... and got an e-mail back to the effect that s/he couldn't supply the uk at the moment. Shame really, as i was after a copy of A458 Carol, a delightful young girl with large dark nipples.... on a fine pair of 36DD's.
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 1:09 pm
by Cathy
Can this be true?
I was just about to send a new order?
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 1:17 pm
by Davideo
Thats strange, I placed an order for 3 tapes online on Sunday, turned up today together with the most recent catalogue.
No message, by e-mail or snail mail, about no longer supplying the UK.
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 5:49 pm
by John
This FC not supplying to the UK has also been mentioned to me by E-Mail - I don't think it was any of the above posters unless you've changed your name again.
I am not aware of this problem with supplying into the UK and have received the latest catalogue within the last couple of weeks and video's maybe 3 weeks ago.
I will E-Mail FC tonight and raise this question with him/her for some clarification.
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 6:02 pm
by John
E-Mail just sent to FC.
The reply will be posted here when received.
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 6:17 pm
by The Insider
I recently heard from my "inside" sources that Fiona has recently been experiencing a serious bout of "State Repression" and unpleasant visits by the instruments of state repression.
The Insider.
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 6:02 am
by nij
Yep, john, that would be a good idea as it does seem strange that some ppl are getting their vids and me recieving an email two days ago stating that no uk orders anymore. Shame as there r 3 vids i really want. I await your reply.
p.s:when ordeing 3 vids does fiona put them all on one 3 hour tape or do they come seperatly??
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 8:10 am
by Steve
Re: Fiona Cooper has stopped supllying The Uk??
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 4:22 pm
by Tamsin Fan
My order foe seven tapes purchased the website on 5 April, arrived on 9 April. No mention about stopping supplies.