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Alec - a suggestion

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:49 pm
by eyeswideshut
Shouldn't be necessary but............

Is it worth heading this forum page with a banner message to
newcomers - to the effect that, "answers to a lot of questions
will be found under the headings in margin of this page.

It might reduce the same old questions/points being raised.

Just a thought.

Re: Alec - a suggestion

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:06 pm
by alec
Good one, with a bit about searching the forum as well - especially when I'm feeling a bit peevish. This kind of thing is down to Phil K though and it depends on all the other things he has to do and wants to do with the site.

Re: Alec - a suggestion

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 1:47 pm
by Phil K
Okay, will add it to the "to do" list.