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A lesson in karma....?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:34 pm
by BeestonBoy

Now this is starting to get trippy and has made me start to think about things in a whole new way.

A couple of months ago I walked into my local CO-OP as a young student type lad was leaving. I quickly grabbed a bottle of wine and some fags. As I was paying I noticed some one had left a brand new i-phone next to the card reader. Now my first thought was to pocket the fucker (sorry gotta be honest about that) then I though I would hand it to the girl behind the counter but she looked like she would pocket the fucker. So when she was not looking I quickly slipped it into my pocket.

I then spent half an hour driving round town looking for the student type bloke. When I found him I pulled up and said "Oi what phone have you got?" He told me then franticly flapped at his pockets to try and find it. I slung him the phone and told him to be more carefull in future. I swear i though he was gonna cry!!

Any way two weeks later I was walking out of Sainsbury's when I got a tap on the shoulder. I turned round and some kind young lad handed me my mobile phone and wallet which I had left by the card reader!!

A few weeks ago I was walking out of the same supermarket and watched a bloke put his reciet in his pocket and drop his credit card at the same time. So I chased after him and handed him back his credit card.

Last night as I left the shops I pocketed my change and started making my merry way home,when some one stopped me and handed me the ?10 I had just dropped!!

Maybe its just because I am watching "My name is Earl" most nights but I am really starting to dig this whole Karma thing. So if any thing like this happens to the right thing. Because you never know......

Peace out


Re: A lesson in karma....?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:39 pm
by Ace
I have recently lost a brand new phone, I could have sworn I left it in a Co-Op store in Nottingham!!

Re: A lesson in karma....?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:49 pm
by BeestonBoy

I knew that bloody student looked shifty....his eyes were far to close together!!

Sorry that case I say fuck Karma!! And lets start slapping shifty looking students ta boot!!


Re: A lesson in karma....?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:37 pm
by missmojo

I always trust karma, and its never let me down yet ! Whenever anyone has done anything wrong or upsetting to me, I do nothing but wait, it may not be tomorow, or next week but sooner or later.....Life is like a boomerang, whatever you throw out you get back !!!


Re: A lesson in karma....?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:01 pm
by Sam Slater
Bloody hell, Beeston.

Has everyone got amnesia and holes in their pockets round your way? !laugh!