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Max Hardcore

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:36 pm
by joe king
from excalibur films
(a.k.a. Paul Little, Max Steiner, Sam, Rex Reamer, Video Paul, Paul Little, Sam Smythe)

Re: Max Hardcore

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:38 pm
by joe king
you gotta laugh! (vid title)
Max #01: Anal Holocaust

Re: Max Hardcore

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:52 pm
by Remington Steel
No need to go into any more superlatives to describe the channel 4 program. Look at it logically; they did what they set out to do which was to make an interesting and informative documentary about a small part of the porno industry. They are in it for the same reason as everyone else. Money. The problem we have with it is that it makes us feel uneasy; we need to blame someone for this sad fiasco, well who is to blame?

C4 first of all found Dick Nasty, as he said he is in it for the money, he has a bad rep where girls are concerned and does what he does on a regular basis. That?s his businesses he has to live with what he seems to have become. I remember him as a nice guy who I have worked with a number of times. We all change!

The unfortunate girl bit off a bit more than she could chew, no pun. In my experience girls usually know what they are letting themselves in for, she is not a young inexperienced girl new to the business. If she did not know then she should have become aware pretty soon after her arrival in the states. As the program progressed it emerged that she came from a troubled background, she was not at all a stable person and certainly not one who should have been subjected to the emotional pressures, which certainly were put on her. The C4 film crew always provided a way out for her, she could simply have left. She decided to stay and it became clear that money was part of the reason and eased the pain. Money is always the reason, but I think that if someone is prepared to negotiate on the amount of discomfort to be endured and equate this to money, the motives have to be questioned. It is not uncommon for girls to go on trips and suddenly change their minds about what they are prepared to do. She should have been put back on an aeroplane, but that would not have suited Dick, C4 or her.

Max Hardcore only had one agenda, to make a tough, nasty film. This crap appeals to certain baser instincts but I suspect we would all rather see some good, erotic sex. The answer is don?t buy it. BUT people do, so people want it, so people will make it. OK that?s no reason to treat a girl badly. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a lot of caring left in the world and maybe this type of porn is just another expression of this. After a very short period of time the girl knew what she was in for. No secret was made of this so, bearing in mind what we know of her emotional stability she could still have walked.

The real damage done by this program is that it lays the whole industry open to the basest and most bigoted criticism from those who will clutch at every opportunity to spread their own sort of bile and condemnation. We can?t blame the C4 team for this, they did what they set out to do and they discovered a side of the business we all wish did not exist. Nothing says they have to show a fair and balanced picture of the industry that obviously was not their brief. For what it?s worth I think they did a good job in what would have been for them very disturbing circumstances. During filming I have witnessed lots of very emotional responses and reactions, when you are showing the very sexuality and vulnerability of a girl this has to be taken into account. I have to say though that I was sickened by what was shown and I felt ashamed that there were people in the business who want to treat girls like this.
In the UK we seem to still be at a much ?nicer? stage of our erotic development. The girls seem genuine, they seem to enjoy the sex they almost all deliver as promised. I have just met Wayne & Kenny, great guys, nice people, professional and could certainly show the tat producers in America how the job can be done with respect given and earned on all sides. We can stop the same sort of thing happening here. We all know its money which motivates. If we see product that sets out to debase then don?t buy it.

Re: Max Hardcore

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:12 pm
by woodgnome
i'll second your sentiments re. preventing the industry here following the assembly line model stateside. if you read alot of the comments on rame, punters over there are fed up with all the plastic crap, too!

more power to your elbow, whatever that means.

i wish wayne and kenny could sort out their camera work for tac though - it sucks!

Re: Remington's comments

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:20 pm
by kerching
You seem much more intelligent than your mate Mr.Cavity !

Trouble is,there is a big market for films which "debase" women.
If Rough Sex were readily available it would shift a hell of
a lot of units.

Re: your comments

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 3:44 am
by Raven
If C4 did a programme on Remington and any of the girls that work for him it would show the industry in a different light.
He is a professional in every way and listens to the girls and makes then feel at ease...
But thats not what these people want...for some strange reason they need to make the adult industry look nasty...
Keep up the good work Remington....