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Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:49 am
by Ace
Yes, the Swedish shagger is to be sacked at the end of the season as the Thai owner feels Sven 'isn't the right man for the job'
Personally, I don't think he's the right owner given his appaling Human Rights record in Thailand, but I digress..............I think City fans are a good bunch of lads that deserve better considering where they were heading under Keegan and Pearce, (again, great players not making great managers)
I know Dave Wells, apart from shagging and filming Britains finest is a Man City fan, and it would be good to hear his thoughts, but after they crumbled on Saturday against those wankers of SW London, Fulham, I suppose City fans were baying for his blood.
Overall, a poor decision from the Thai owner

Oh, Mike and I have been there when Batsey axed Luca and Roman axed Ranieri and in a way, I like to think we have a foot in the door when it comes to this one !wink!

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:11 am
by Fraser
As a Man U fan, I think it's a ridiculous decision. City did the double over us and I can't remember when that last happened. City fans I know are a bit disappointed by recent results but happy with a top ten finish after last years near relegation.

I read that Sven agreed a five year plan with the owner at the start of the season with a planned top ten finish the first year, if they win their last two games they could finish 7th. Who would agree to take over with such unreasonable expectations from the owner?

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:53 am
by Marino
Okay Sven didn't float my boat for England, but I think he has done wonders at City. I think they have had a great first season under his charge. And little dip of form recently what does he think is gong to happen under a new manager.

I bet the fans will be pissed at this decision.

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:53 am
by Guilbert
No doubt if the Thai owner had been chairman of Man Utd twenty or so years ago he would have sacked Ferguson after one season because they did not win anything.

He would have missed out on 20 years of trophies.

I hope Sven gets another job in the Premier League, does well at the club, while watching Man City go down (not that I have anything against Man C, just the chiarman).

It is guys like that Thai chairman who are ruining football.

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:13 am
by eduardo
I have to agree with the others in that this is a ridiculous decision and a clear case of a non football person sticking his nose in too far.

Eriksson did a perfectly good job in his first season. Alright he had a fair bit of the folding stuff to spend but then what did have to work with to start with?

Not much.

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:27 am
by Flat_Eric
Sadly, yet another Premiership club becomes little more than a rich man's plaything. The type of rich men who (as Guilbert points out) know next to nothing about football yet insist on meddling and as a result are ruining the game.

Crazy decision that will come back to haunt City. As has been pointed out, the club's fans are entitled to feel really pissed about this.

- Eric

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:49 am
by nikonman
If this is the case it will be a absolutly ridiculous decision by the Man City owner .
Sven has done a wonderful job in his first season to get City into the top ten of the premier league.
I hope the City fans will make their protests heard.

It will be interested if any other Premier or Championship clubs come in for Sven or are we going to lose him to Europe

Also it will be interesting to see if the Chelsea fans would prefer Sven to Avram Grant who i consider has done a good job at the club. That would be a great job if you win the league and reach European cup final
Chelsea are one of the few clubs in this country who could afford Sven's wages.

Fingers crossed that Forest return to the Championship this weekend
Also that Leicester stay up.
Unfortunately we appear to have lost Mansfield to the Conference

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:05 am
by Johnnyboy 22
Always the problem with foreign owners they come in and think they now everything about the game when they know fuck all. I agree with the comments made i think Sven has done wonders at city. I dont think this will be the end of the circus though, Avram grant is only just hanging on for dear life, a defeat by Liverpool on Wednesday and the loss of the League will surely see him get his P45. Much as i hate the Scousers they alkways do it in Europe and i predict Gerard to score the winning goal.

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:25 am
by Pervert
The fans can make whatever protests they want and it won't make a bit of a difference. Fans' feelings didn't stop the Special One being shown the door at Stamford Bridge.

For the downside of having one guy, from outwith the UK, bankrolling a club look no further than Heart of Midlothian. Their owner has piled a huge amount into Tynecastle, wage bills are enormous, debt is piling up and is owed mostly to a Lithuanian bank. To my knowledge, at least four other clubs---more impoverished and desperate for money than Hearts---turned Vladimir Romanov down before he gained control of Hearts. One of those clubs went into administration for a while, and two others came very close--- but they weren't willing to give full control to someone whose motives for owning a football club were unclear. The Tynecastle board wasn't that principled.

If Man City, or Liverpool or Chelsea, accept massive investment from foreign businessmen then they have to accept decisions will be made for financial rather than footballing reasons. Thinking the new owners have the history of the club as their first priority is naive.

I'd hate to be a Chelsea fan when Abramovic decides he's had enough (maybe the press he's getting just now will drive him off: a Putin enforcer, according to The Times) and leaves a mountain of debt and dozens of players on long contracts with unreasonably high wages.

Re: Sven Sacked!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:52 am
by Ace
nikonman wrote:

> Also it will be interesting to see if the Chelsea fans would
> prefer Sven to Avram Grant who i consider has done a good job
> at the club.

Fans forums are already predicting that Kenyon will make an approach to Sven, and hand on heart, given the choice of Avram over Sven, it's Sven for me........and I NEVER thought I'd say that

> Chelsea are one of the few clubs in this country who could
> afford Sven's wages.

As said, Roman can easily bankroll any manager, and as Sven still has his house in Belgravia, it wouldn't suprise me at all if he came in after the summer