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LeeAnne- subject closed.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:13 pm
by todge
Think we've exhausted the subject-pleeeease tell me we have !!!!

Re: LeeAnne- subject closed.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:42 pm
by joe king
Did you notice the adverts for bacardi breezer (or something), it totally ripped off the prodigy video (with Teresa May)? Media feeds off media.

The men in the gangbang scene (in the wrestling ring) looked ugly.

Felicity was under the usual hollywood threat (you'll never work in this town again! if you don't do x,y,z). This threat( which wasn't actually articulated by anyone) was more psychological than real.

I was just looking at a video 'Hot House tales' by Adrian Gill (columnist for the sunday times) in an old Oscar One cat. It was done for a magazine (FHM i think) The cover has Houston on the cover( she looks abit like Teresa Scott)

What is the difference between erotic and perverted? Using a feather is erotic, using the whole of the chicken...

(lighten the mood a bit)

Re: LeeAnne- subject closed.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 3:18 pm
by Ned
Houston might have looked like Teresa a while ago, but she now has had so much surgery (especially those collagen jabs on her lips) she looks a bit like that Wildenstein bird. If you don't know who I mean think Grace Jones crossed with Esther Rantzen, with all the skin on her face pulled into a knot on the back of her head. Either that or Paul Whitehouse's post surgery face on that rubbish sitcom last week.

Re: LeeAnne- subject closed.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:09 pm
by alec
Please don't recommend A.A. Gill or I'll go away in a Welsh huff. :)

That said the only thing I agree with him about is porn.