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Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 1:50 pm
by Ned
I may give away my home town here (oh fuck it, Peterborough) but a local trader has just been refused a sex shop licence because of fears it would "attract people of a perverted disposition" to the area. WHAT FUCKING CENTURY ARE WE LIVING IN????
Sorry, but this really pisses me off!!
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:21 pm
by joe king
Why is it so negative? They (the council) say the requestee can't have the proposed location. Why not ask, which fucking location can i use ?(you bastards)
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:30 pm
by jaxon
To be honest i really wouldn't worry too much. The reason being that, unfortunately with the relaxation of censorship laws the adult market has become lame. You will see many adult shops springing up in busy city centres, and they will all be selling exactly the same R18 shite titles, toys, poppers and mags. All the fun of shopping around various shops has gone. If you ever visited Soho over the years it was a real adventure with great choice, but now it is, more a less, 50 X Ann Summers outlets. Predictable and pants, IT IS RUINED !
I am very attempted to start a reliable adult video / dvd business myself. Purely suppling Non BBFC Butchered titles.
So come on, what do you people want ?
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 3:23 pm
by Ned
Ok. The situation was at the arse end of a once busy street, which has been cut off by a bloody huge overpass. The shops that end are mainly empty and no bugger goes down there! There's a small terraced housing block about 200 yards away and sod all overlooking the proposed location except a dual carriageway and a garage. Choice spot eh?
Incidentally, it's about three miles away from the site of a huge prison which is being built slap bang in the middle of a residential area. A prison to house category A offenders will occupy a site that was wanted for a university. Work that one out!!
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:06 pm
by alec
jaxon wrote:
> You will see many
> adult shops springing up in busy city centres,
Chance would be a fine thing,
> All the fun of shopping around various
> shops has gone.
If only people who live outside London could shop around.
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:53 pm
by woodgnome
sorry jaxon, you are talking a degree of bollocks here. i've been on a couple of trawls through the flesh pots of soho recently and there are plenty of dodgy emporiums about, if you feel a burning need to risk getting ripped off.
isn't the wider point that we are never going to have a sex industry worth a spit in this country, until those who make it get some return from it. the people who you remember so affectionately, in the 'good old days' were, generally speaking a bunch of rip off bastards, whose sole purpose in life was to reap where they hadn't sowed.
jesus, we've been whinging and whining for so long about the repressive circumstances that we've had to put up with, so why not give new found freedom a chance to bear some tasty fruit?
and the bbfc aren't butchering titles. 99.9 per cent of the videos they certify they are left completely intact.
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 6:22 pm
by jaxon
No sorry, I will stand by my points thanks. Before the licensing
and subsequent spoiling of Soho there was never, ever a risk of getting ripped off. You simply chose the title/s and you could preview it on the shop tv. Sure there are dodgy outlets, these were the ones that had no preview facility and deliberately rushed you. Buyer beware.
Also if you are impressed by this apparent "new found freedom and
a chance to bear some tasty fruit." Well it really isn't very tasty, the selection is crap, the price is high and if you check the amount of threads within this forum regarding cuts in running time you will realise.
We are in Europe but not on a level playing field.
I think the difference in our opinions is based on the fact that
maybe you, like the great deal of the public, have felt supressed for so long that you are now very excited about being able to legally watch (subject to approval) hardcore material.
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 8:35 am
by Ned
Believe it or not, I would rather pay for an original film at market price than have to go to the local pirate guy who charges ?5 a go. If we don't support the industry, who'll be doing it 10 years time? The problem for me is that we don't have a licenced shop here and are never likely to have. Many, many applications have been made over the years. Is it any wonder piracy is flourishing?
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 11:42 am
by Pasta
Ned wrote:
> I may give away my home town here (oh fuck it, Peterborough)
> but a local trader has just been refused a sex shop licence
> because of fears it would "attract people of a perverted
> disposition" to the area. WHAT FUCKING CENTURY ARE WE LIVING
> IN????
> Sorry, but this really pisses me off!!
To get back to the original point, this has happened in my home town (Ayr) too, a local trader was refused a sex shop licence on exactly the same grounds (and by a very narrow vote) by the council licensing committee - location - despite the fact that the shop is in a narrow lane away from the main shopping streets.
However, this lady has opened her shop regardless and sells everything she can sell without requiring a license, plus she does not have the typical old sex shop blacked-out windows. She is completely within the law - one in the eye for the bigots. The only thing is that she can't sell R18 videos, she has everything else, mags, toys etc.
So to all intents and purposes, a sex shop is there, fully offending all the twats who opposed it, and there is NOTHING they can do about it!
Re: Sex shop fiasco
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 1:31 pm
by Ned
We have one of those unlicenced Pr***te shops here. Crap!