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wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:21 pm
by sandie
Ive just been to Wimpy. Does anyone remember them? They were abit of a 70's/80's thing and have more or less disappeared since the likes of McDonalds and Burger King opened over here.
I really think for what it is, Wimpy is very good. OK its pricy compaired to a Big Mac but it looks nicer and tastes nicer and you get it on a proper plate with proper cutlery and to be honests its just as fast as the burger giants are.

I think a bring back Wimpy campaign is in order.

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:25 pm
by Ace
I loved 'em..............haven't seen one in years!!
Do they still have the Brown Derby and Knickerbocker Glories?

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:38 pm
by stripeysydney
I was always a bit suspicious of the 'Brown Derby'. It just sounded just not quite right, if you get my drift.

Always loved Wimpey's though, bring em' back and f**k Maccy D's.

Could we also get rid of that shite which is Starbuck's, if you dooon't wan't to gag on overpriced slop that is sometimes disguised as coffee, avoid that chain of crap like the plague.

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:43 pm
by hellblazer
And I thought I was the only one! I used to travel ten miles to get to my nearest one when I was a kid, now I drive fifteen.

That knickerbocker glory was the ultimate challenge!

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:13 pm
by crofter
Yes I always used to prefer a Wimpy if you had a wee bit more time to eat (preferred their home made style chips and fresher burgers) the MacDonalds was always handy for a "splash and dash" raid though.

Here is the Wimpy Store Locator:

none within a hundred miles of me though!tears!

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:46 pm
by Mr Mark
They still have one in Torquay, where i'm from originally, but there's something a bit outdated about the 'old lady' waitress service and 1970's plates, when it's 'just a burger'.

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:53 pm
by eduardo
Me and my Missus use the one in Torquay occasionally as we're too lazy to walk all the way up the hill to the Macdonalds and my Missus doesn't like KFC or Burger King which are just down the road.

It beats all the cheap and shite pasty and sandwich shops towards The Strand.

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:37 pm
by Trumpton
The first time I went to a Wimpy was as a 14 year old in 1974 at Windsor. The food was excellent. The last time I visited one was in 1988 at Southampton - again it was excellent - infinitely superior to McDonalds and KFC.

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:41 pm
by Jonboy
Yes Wimpey are good one in Finchley and they do a good knickerbocker glory. Also they try to help which makes a difference. Problem is the one in Finchley is opposite Weatherspoons so never busy

Re: wimpy is under rated

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:54 pm
by colonel
The late 80s saw the main UK franchisee-with 80% of the outlets- switch to BK; and let the Press think Wimpy had gone completely. I thought it had gone- but it lives on, albeit in few locations.

It has suffered from few new products and even less national publicity.

There is one on the A513 at Milford Common in Staffs.- right by the main 'family' entrance to Cannock Chase. Why go for a hike when you have a Wimpy and a pub next door to it!