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That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:14 am
by planeterotica
Yes Gordon Brown of course, when he was still at school i was grafting hard for a living and paying taxes which contributed towards his schooling and further education until he was in his 30s, and how does he repay the likes of me, by robbing us of our hard earned savings via taxes and council tax so i will probably have to continue to work until im in my grave so the likes of him can have an early retirement and live a long life of luxury, such is life !sad!

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:19 am
by colonel
Have you been drinking? What a load of bollocks that outburst was.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:36 am
by planeterotica
colonel wrote:

> Have you been drinking? What a load of bollocks that outburst
> was.

planeterotica wrote:

You dont like the truth, Nu-Labour cronies are lining their pockets at our expence, Tony Bliar has filled his pockets and done a runner now Brown is doing the same !thumbsdown!

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:39 am
by colonel
Brown did a Scots MA and a PhD- finished education for his mid-20s.

What do you think pays for public services in this country- the Easter Bunny?

I see you are diverting attention from the lawbreaking Cameron today.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:19 am
by planeterotica
Gordon Brown tries to give the impression that he is a capable person when in fact he is not, when he was chancellor he squandered our money on public services which his cronies creamed off taking this country into massive debt which will cost us for years to come, take the money that has been poured into the NHS only to be rewarded with dirty wards costing the lives of many and that is a proven fact which even this shite goverment had to admit, expectant mothers are now being turned away from hospitals because of a shortage of maternity wards and there are now less NHS dentist as there were before Labour came to power in fact its almost impossible to find one, as for council tax i am now paying over ?100.00 a month to have half a bag of rubbish taken away per week, so where is all the money going, its being creamed off i may not know to much about politics but i have been around long enough to know a con when i see one, and to think i voted for nu-labour in 1997, at the next election i will vote for anyone if it helps to get rid of this load of shite !rant! i am now going out to mow my lawn which may take a while as my ride on mower has broken down and i cannot afford a replacement thanks to Gordon Brown !happy!

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:26 am
by colonel
I don't know why I am replying to this Tory plant- whatever I say will be wrong. But - hey!

planeterotica wrote:

> Gordon Brown tries to give the impression that he is a capable
> person when in fact he is not,


when he was chancellor he
> squandered our money on public services

The Tories left the public services in this country on their knees.

which his cronies
> creamed off taking this country into massive debt which will
> cost us for years to come, take the money that has been poured
> into the NHS only to be rewarded with dirty wards costing the
> lives of many and that is a proven fact which even this shite
> goverment had to admit,

Incompetent managers. Who probably vote Tory!

expectant mothers are now being turned
> away from hospitals because of a shortage of maternity wards
> and there are now less NHS dentist as there were before Labour
> came to power in fact its almost impossible to find one, as for
> council tax i am now paying over ?100.00 a month to have half a
> bag of rubbish taken away per week, so where is all the money
> going, its being creamed off i may not know to much about
> politics but i have been around long enough to know a con when
> i see one, and to think i voted for nu-labour in 1997,

'NuLabour' is a phrase invented by the more crazed Tory bloggers. No-one else uses it- so we see Graham's true colours here.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:27 am
by eduardo
When I saw the subject heading of this thread I assumed it was about Frank Lampard.


Council Tax.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:21 pm
by Trumpton
Our Council has frozen the Council Tax for this financial year. We pay exactly the same amount as we did last year.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:33 pm
by b217bravo
I thought it was about the original tub o' lard, Prescott

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:12 pm
by Ace
I searched for Chris Moyles.

Eduardo, you're bang out of order my son!