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Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:36 pm
by zoomraker
"A Preliminary Analysis of the Ministry of Justice Document:

'Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System - 2006'

Tony Shell

Summary of Findings

A preliminary analysis of official crime data shows:

The homicidal killing of white people is 90 times more prevalent in the black community, than the homicidal killing of black people in the white community.

The homicidal killing of white people is 30 times more prevalent in the Asian community, than the homicidal killing of Asian people in the white community.

The number of white victims of interracial homicide is approximately 40 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME)community.

The white community suffers more victims of interracial and racially motivated homicide than all of the minority (BME)communities put together ? despite the BME communities being less than 10 per cent of the total population.

The number of white victims of racially motivated homicide is approximately 50 times greater than expected, when compared to the number of such victims in the minority (BME)community."

if you wish to question the analysis you can find the original report here:

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:08 am
by Sam Slater
I won't question the report, but I must question the title of this thread.

Does this report just gather white on black, black on white murders, or distinguish where racial hatred was the main motive for those murders?

You see, your title says whites are the main victims of 'racist murders'. Now, maybe more whites are victims of black murderers than black people are victims of white murderers, but lots of those murders will be during street robberies, drug deals gone bad, revenge killings, love triangles, and store robberies etc.

Like I say, maybe that report is accurate, but the implied motives for these murders isn't clear.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:04 am
by Officer Dibble
Apart from pointing out the alarming fact that black blokes (given that they are still a relatively small percentage of the population) kill many more white folks than visa-versa, I think what Zoomraker is getting at is that if a white person kills a person of colour, regardless of the circumstances, the luvie media and public sector will always spin it as a 'racist' murder. While whenever a black person kills a white person it's never a racist murder ? ergo, only white folks (and presumably working class white folks) are evil racists.

Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:09 am
by Officer Dibble
Zoomraker, I highlighted this 'ishoo' a couple of days ago. Here, have a gander -

Officer Dibble

Officius Dibblus est amplus amor deus

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:40 am
by colonel
I agree. The indicator that this thread is 'dodgy' is that even Dibbs is being circumspect.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:21 am
by one eyed jack
Is this site now a BNP recruitment zone or are whites like any other ethnic feeling disenfranchised too. Good. Now we are all equal.

So do we redress the balance by killing more black folk then?

One has to be careful when putting up a controversial thread like this that it is done in a way that is not ambiguous.

You see black folks will always see it as one way even if you never meant it as such and if you were black yourself, you'd certainly understand where I am coming from.

However, my ability to see this with both sides in mind probably comes from the fact I am sitting on the fence of this issue.

Do you see where I am coming from.

Officer, while I understand that some crimes of one colour to another are not always racially motivated per se it wouldnt be wise to tarnish all such crimes the same way. In other words what you are saying is that people like Stephen Lawrence etc be dismissed as just another act of lads blowing off steam.

Yes , you may not have meant this but you have to understand how people of colour in general will perceive it.

Thats why topics such as this are hot and controversial because it can easily be misconstrued.

Personally I dont hate racists. I feel sorry for them knowing that everyday and everywhere they look and see a person of colour in their midst must be a cold day in hell and heaven help us if their little girl grows up to fall in love with one...Oh de. She must have done so because he has a big dick right? LOL That doesnt say much about the person who thinks it.

This is just a comment and not a flaming of anyone here as such but hey...Its a forum and thats my tuppeny worth to the thread.

Oh and I'm not a spokesman for the black people but I'll make do until one gets here.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:43 am
by one eyed jack
Come to think of it, do any of you here know anyone of colour at all? It seems whenever threads come up like this that statistics are quoted and discussed as if you dont actually no anyone ethnic and I'm not taking about the geezer that fixes your car or the coloured chap in D Section.

I'm talking that you actually know.

I wouldnt accuse anyone of not having anyone but white friends as a racist but I would say you were insular and therefore not the best of people to make incendiary comments from what you see on the news and media in general. Thats almost painting yourselves to be whiter than white.

How would one feel if I came up on here and said that whites are mainly known to be peadophiles? Not that being a kiddy fiddler is indigenous to just one race but thats mainly what i see in the media and thats the problem with threads like this.

We all see what we want to see. If you guys really do know in terms of having and knowing several friends of different shades you will understand that people are the ones that present problems. Their colour is circustantial.

Re: Whites are main victims of racist murders

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:03 am
by Mike_CFC
Someone should delete this thread before it gets VERY messy.

I cringe at threads like these.