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Question For Layla

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:24 pm
by Don
Hi Layla after reading all these comments since the C4 Doc i bet your bored with it all. As a fan of your movies i,m not really gonna slate your performances. But i have noticed that after a few years in this business you want to quit and start a family. As a pretty young lady i see no reason why after 200 movies you are still in the business. I,m sure you could make more money modelling these days. I know your having fun and getting paid for it, but i cant help to wonder that if in the future you may well regret your past, sometimes money dosn,t always buy happiness, and when it does its short lived.

I dont know if you plan to tell your future family about your past, but i wonder if they would be proud of what their wife or mummy done. I,m damm sure i wouldnt want my mum to be remembered as a butt banged hitchiking whore, and seeing her performances.

I guess it all comes down to money, but its the other people your hurting sometimes. Dont mind us we watch and get off on it cos we,re sad i suppose. But i wonder what your real blood fans think. Not the fake ones who make you rich.

I feel sorry for Felicity too. To be made a fool on national TV. If she has given up then everyone will know her for the nasty little porno girl on the C4 doc. Why degrade yourselfs girls your all pretty and could do much better i think. The porn industry is attracting some young girls who you have to feel sorry for. By people who promise big money and gain. Its only the girls who loose in the end. Their dignity and respect.

But who cares its not the viewers lives. Sorry to have a go at you, but i feel sorry for the women, even if they do say they are having a swell time, and not a care in the world. Deep down is that really true.

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:33 pm
by Maurie
Yes, a call centre or check out in Tesco

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:41 pm
by Otis
Wouldn't want to speak on behalf of the divine Layla-Jade, but here's my tuppence worth.

Seems to me that your worries about porn actresses "degrading" themselves, and losing their "respect and dignity" say more about your own instincts than about the girls.

You worry that it'd be hard for a porn actress's new family to come to terms with her past career. What you mean is, it'd be hard for you to come to terms with it. I'm not having a go at you, it's just the way you've been brought up (presumably). But I'd imagine that someone as sensible as Layla (everything I've seen and read by her somehow suggests that she's got the decent nature and common sense to be a fantastic mother, not to mention the right genes to pass on!) will be capable of bringing up a kid to be cool with the whole thing. Sure, opening a hardcore mag/putting on a tape and suddenly seeing our own mother or girlfriend is the ultimate nightmare. But only as bad as, say, suddenly being told you're adopted. I was adopted, but I was always told so, and that it was unusual but perfectly fine, so I never thought anything of it. Same with this: I'd imagine that, in 16 years, if the miniature Layla-Jade is getting stick from her mates or enemies - "Your mum was a butt-banged hitchhiking whore" - I suspect that the kid will be able to say and think exactly what her mother would say and think if she got the same shit herself: "Yeah, well, whatever, it's YOUR problem. Fuck off."

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 9:45 pm
by woodgnome
degradation, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder - the qualitative difference being that real people can suffer terrible consequences arising from the moral strictures of others.

it is YOU who seek to degrade people like layla~jade and felicity; and very often, it is people like YOU who succeed in summoning forth their vengeful gods to smite them for their supposed sins.

there is nothing inherently degrading in the sex act, only in the punishment meted out by individuals like yourself and society.

if no one sought to condemn the life style of layla~jade and her fellow travellers, where would the degradation be? YOU are the instrument of degradation, my friend and if terrible things befall some poor souls because of the cumulative weight of your opinion added to that of a million others, some part of that tragedy will surely lie at your feet.

how degrading is that!?!

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:27 am
by Layla~Jade
What you dont see though is that besides the movies, I do many other things that are connected with the buissness.
I dont just "fuck on film" you know.
As well as my films I write my own monthly colume for galaxy publications, and other erotic stories for publication.
I will eventually be shooting other people for my own line of films, "The Erotic Adventures Of Layla Jade", I have been approched recently to be considered for presenting an adult reviews program, I work on my website, Im a dancer,I have my own show in blackpool coming up soon and I dance as part of the sports dancing tour, I have my own series for the fantasy channel etc etc. And anyway, So ? Ive done 200 films but Im only 20. There is plenty of life in me yet.
I did'nt fall into the industry by accident... this is a carefully thought out and structured carear.
Im already established in America but not over here so that comes next, and I still have a lot of work to do in the rest of Europe. I love doing the movies.
If you really are a fan then you should know how much I love it anyway, dont put yourself above the rest of my fans or call them fake.
If anything they are above you, as a real fan would not say he was'nt going to slate me and then do exsactly just that.
I love my fans they are greatr and with out them my carear is nothing... and I will not see them being put down by people.
Your right this is a terrible industry to be in, I mean look at me at only 20 years of age I have travelled all over the world, I have made many people happy, including myself, experienced things and seen places that most people my age could never even contemplate,been nominated for awards, the highest acalade that our industry has, I have made a shitload of money and have an ever growing fantastic and fun carear. Of course Im not gonna stop now !!!
What would i be doing if I was'nt in this industry ???
I'd be wiping demented old peoples ass's in an old folks home thats what, been there before, on a mesely ?128 a week working 36 hours, getting treated like shit by all the other women there due to jelousy cos im attractive, being made promises of NVQ training which never came to be, constantly over tired which leads to tears and with a very low self esteem, having my desperately needed hours cut down without a moments notice.. I know what I'd rather see me doing though maybe you disagree ???
And when Im retired at age 25 and have a butiful family with my own production company bringing in the cash for me, and a shitload in the bank, then I will worry about what my children will think.
But believe you me they will be well rounded and healthy children and I will ensure that they have a clear perspective on my carear from the horses mouth. Im not ashamed of what I do, and realistically if I am so well known by that age and I do fear for my children then I could just change my entire appearence and my name by deed pole if nessacery. At that point in my life the kids would come first but there is no use in worry about something when it is 6-7 years from exsistence.

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 1:28 pm
by Davideo
Layla, are you thinking of standing in the next election? If so, you get my vote. You speak more sense than any of the politicians I've ever heard.
And it would be a pleasure to put a X by your box ;-)
Good luck to you!

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:35 pm
by Don
Thanks for the reply I just wanted to hear your opinion.

I can understand what you say about cleaning old peoples bums cos my ex does the same and she wants to be a dancer. And to all you blokes reading yes shes blonde and fit and would make a shit hot porn star. She dosnt like the work but has no choice really. Some girls would shag on film for the chance of getting out of their lack of money and self esteem problems, and others wouldnt. Some would try other means. I know its hard for young people these days, but portraying a good side to porn is bad. Because young girls see this and go into it only to be humiliated and abused. You may have done well but others havnt. Like you said the indusrty is bad, so theres no point trying to make it glitzy and produce role models for the younger generation. It just seems a high price to pay Layla. Even with all the money in the world you cant wipe out your past, even if you do change your name or identity. Would it have all been worth while. Its great to see you do other things such as writing, and dancing and I hope you do better in that than what you do now. In the future theres more money there.

But on a final note its sad to see young girls who have already had the mis-fortune like yourself of having a poor paid job, low self-esteem and all sorts, be lurred into an industry that promises the world and gives back pitence. No wonder why people are talking about suicide rates in the porn industry. Some of these girls need help not abusing. In my eyes alot of these people who recruit young girls are no better than your average child abuser. Maybe you did plan it all out, but some fall into it just the same as some girls fall into prostitution. This country need to support and help its young. Most of these girls would,nt have done it they had they money to start off with.

Thanks for your time Layla.

I just hope Felicity and others can re-build there lives learn from there mistakes and never again be put in the limelight to be humiliated. Thats all the money and glitz is for to secume the humiliation. Money has a high but then it has a mega low.

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 2:53 pm
by harris
There speaks a poor man.

Re: Question For Layla

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:01 pm
by Cromer
Just come across this site after looking for sites about Layla~Jade since the C4 documentary. I've got a couple of her FC tapes and it was good to see her enjoying her work in LA.

Felicity however seemed very uncomfortable in some situations and I couldn't watch most of the scene with Max Hardcore - that man worries me.

My point is that if Layla~Jade is happy with what she's doing then why not support her. Everyone has to make choices about how they and to live with the consquences. We all have demons to face at sometime but surely we should be allowed to face them in our own way.

Why do men fall into the trap of judging people when they intend to show compassion?

End of rant.