C4 forum - interesting message
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 3:29 pm
I just had a look at the Channel 4 message board, Didn't read all the messages (the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak...), but thought the following one was worth copying to this board:
"posted by An Insider on 02:45 9/4/2001
Like all-too-many recent C4 documentaries, it was a fake. Not
entirely of course, but many scenes were scripted. I didn't know
any of that was going to happen, or I certainly wouldn't have
worked on it....."
"posted by An Insider on 02:45 9/4/2001
Like all-too-many recent C4 documentaries, it was a fake. Not
entirely of course, but many scenes were scripted. I didn't know
any of that was going to happen, or I certainly wouldn't have
worked on it....."