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CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 2:49 pm
by jaxon
I video taped Hardcore and have watched it twice, and I would conclude that it comes across disturbing for the general public, not familiar with pornography. I have also found it interesting
reading through the posts in this forum.

My opinion on the subjects raised is very fast track, black and white. The reason for every event is MONEY (as usual.) Look at it this way. The characters......

STEPHEN (Doc Maker) Made a "Shock Tactic" feature for MONEY ???
and was guilty of the ultimate exploitation. ?????????

FELICITY (Ha Ha) Wanted to prostitute herself on celuloid for
MONEY ??? (but overcomitted and lost her bottle)

DICK NASTY (Genuine)Did not portray himself as a charity worker !
He's in it for the MONEY ???? percentage on willing
naive cattle. (No offence to porn starlets to also
get genuine kicks out of paid sexual performance)

MAX HARCORE (Just business) Regardless of the slating he recieves
his films are extremely popular worldwide and he is
a millionaire.

....And that is the bottom line, it is all just for money........
Just as always ! God Bless all of them. MONEY MONEY MONEY.
So dont be a hypocrite and think of that next time your getting yourself off watching your favourite scene. BTW, how much did you pay for it ?

Your Comments..

Re: CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 3:52 pm
by joe king
the ultimate exploitation (?)
FELICITY (Ha Ha) (?) why are you laughing at her?
. That's a bit simplistic. People do things for money. Some People only do some things for money.
Some people do stupid things when they drink or take drugs. So the main motivation of everyone is money?

Dick Nasty

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 4:14 pm
by Ned
I have a very minor role in a model agency and I can sort of understand where Dick Nasty was coming from when he got pissed off with Felicity. I do not and cannot condone anything that happened to her in the film, but from a business point of view she wasted his (and her) time by saying she'd do certain things in her work and then backing away.

I still think he treated her abysmally, but she should never have been there in the first place.

Re: CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 6:51 pm
by jaxon
Reply to Joe King :-

1) The Ha Ha was pointed at "Made up Name" Not her personally.

2) "Simplistic" Correct and very, very true.
You see, people will whore for money, cheat for money, lie for
money, even kill for money. All others get legitimate jobs
and join the commercial rat race. You take your choice.

3) You also stated that "Some people do stupid things when they
drink or take drugs."
Which should read something like "Stupid people are stupid
for taking stupid drugs and doing stupid things."
So clearly, the answer is..if drugs make you do stupid

4) Now, I have a vested interest in pornography and I have
viewed thousands of films (literally). It is obvious you are
also very keen judging by the imense amount you post to this
forum. So ask yourself a very "simplistic" question........
How many hardcore films would be available if female
participants were not financially rewarded ? ? ?"

Do you still want to think MONEY ???? isnt the issue ?

P.S. Well said Ned, spot on.

Re: Dick Nasty

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:12 pm
by Otis
Agree with that exactly. The guy's a jerk, but a lot of people who hire and fire other people are jerks. Nasty didn't come across any worse in that doc than any agent in any documentary - not only do they tend to be (ahem) nasty people, their behaviour always lends itself well to an unflattering editing job. The subject matter was what made him seem so sinister.

I used to work in both the rock business and the (non-porno) magazine business, both similar to the adult films industry: you don't have to wear a suit, you sell yourself, you don't exist in the same sort of stuffy atmosphere as, say, office workers. This attracts and encourages a tough, fast-talking stereotype, you're genuinely stressed (you're self-employed, and if other people "let you down", you don't pay the rent), and you're allowed to be snappy and a bit of a bastard about it. I met hundreds of Richards. That irritated smile and forced laugh as an attempt at PR when you're obviously seething.

But the difference is that he was shown to place "Felicity", whose own limits were more than averagely strict, in a Max Hardcore movie, then "Rough Sex 2", the single most violent and misogynistic porn film EVER MADE. We weren't, however, shown whether this genuinely was because he was a sadistic bastard, or because she did (off-camera) agree to more than we were led to believe. That's what it all hinges on, that's why the whole documentary failed by any journalistic standards. Historians would say its not admissible as evidence because we only get one side of the story. The emotive side.

Re: Dick Nasty

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 7:29 pm
by David J
There is also a question about what Felicity's 'limits' really are. This was the basis of her argument with 'Richard' in the programme. Judging by what she DOES, rather than what she SAYS, her limits seem pretty wide, including DP and DPP, if the Ben Dover box description is accurate. In the programme she also said, quite cheerfully, that she would do deep throat, so what was her problem with Max Hardcore's little thing? Of course, we didn't actually see the crucial scene, so maybe she was right to complain, but I con't think we can take it on trust from Walker's narration.

Re: CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 8:30 am
by Callipygea
jaxon wrote, inter alia:
> ......
> . So ask yourself a very "simplistic" question........
> How many hardcore films would be available if female
> participants were not financially rewarded ? ? ?"

An interesting point. I think there would still be quite a few. Most of the successful models actually like what they are doing, and the going rate for hard-core is barely more than an ordinary solo magazine shoot, so the money isn't great. Clearly, some of the girls couldn't earn any more in any other walk of life, but quite a few would be equally if not more successful financially if they did someting else. Some of the (female) contributors to this group come to mind. It's energy and ambition that count, and I bet the lovely Lay will make more money after she (sadly) retires from porn.

Re: CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 11:19 am
by Rob Roy
i was wondering would lend out tha "HARDCORE" documentry as i never got the chance to see it?

Re: CH4 HARDCORE ???????????

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 1:41 pm
by Ned
You missed nothing. No sexual activity except off camera gasping (mice shots of Layla's butt though!) and it was just designed to make porn sleazy - and those who use it appear complicit in rape! That's basically what they were trying to get across in my view, and the dead head responses on C4's forum ("I'll never watch porn again") bear that out I think.