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UK law

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 4:00 pm
by harris
this is just a respose to the below posting, but its too far dont to reply to really,.

it's not the case the distribution law hasnt been tested in court - it has loads of times, most recently last year when Your Choice's catalogue distributor was jailed for 6 months I think. and that was just the catalogues, so videos would be considered more seriously i would have thought.

Re: UK law

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 4:59 pm
by Callipygea
Was the case about distributing porn in general, or about distributing R18 videos other than through a licensed sex shop? As it was "Your Choice" I suspect the answer is porn in general. I am not aware of a case concerning supply of a video that could be sold legally in a licensed sex shop.

Because such a case will expose the humbug of the present arrangements I suspect it will get wide publicity - not least here!

Re: UK law

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 5:12 pm
by harris
The craziest thing is that it appears licensed sex shops can trade R18 mail order, agent purchased.

Re: UK law

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 5:05 am
by Callipygea
I see that they are doing so, but I am not sure that the law permits it. Though I am also sure that nobody is sure on this subject.