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Face Dance

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 2:31 pm
by joe king
Face Dance Obssesion by John Stagliano
( When submitted to the BBFC the work had a running time of 139m 30s. To obtain this category cuts of 7m 7s were required. The cuts were Compulsory. Cuts required to explicit sex scenes involving asphyxiation and also to an abusive sequence of extreme fellatio in which full consent is not clear. )

This R18 was cut by the BBFC. If the consent was clear would it have been passed?
By this site it seems like we are coming upto 300 R18 vids passed by the BBFC.
R18 List

Re: Face Dance

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 3:50 pm
by harris
In the no doubt false assumption than anyone cares what I think, I actually don't think the R18 guidelines are bad, myself. I disagree with the ban on urination and fisting, simply because I don't see why they should be, but I'm more than happy to have scenes of degredation and pain infliction, humilitation, abuse etc. removed. Spanking I'm in two minds about, and schoolgirl fantasies I think should be allowed too as they are both harmless and a useful alternative for people who do fantasise about this to finding real schoolgirls. Just a shame I can't buy the bloody things anywhere since I live miles from anywhere...

Re: Face Dance

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 7:33 pm
by John
Is this a compilation of the 1992 video's Face Dance 1 & 2 as if so it had already been heavily cut before it got to the BBFC

Re: Face Dance

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 3:14 pm
by Pasta
John wrote:
> Is this a compilation of the 1992 video's Face Dance 1 & 2 as
> if so it had already been heavily cut before it got to the BBFC

No. Face Dance Obsession is a whole new movie, released in the States on December 6, 2000.

Re: Face Dance

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 6:19 pm
by John