OK? my opinion was requested? so here it is?
I think that the piece was interesting, however I wouldn?t necessarily say, that he gave a wider perspective? just (to be honest) a much wordier one, one of which, that during some parts, I almost lost track of what he was saying... as I didn?t have my dictionary to hand

Truthfully though, at the end of the day, I am first and foremost an erotic, adult entertainer... and as such, I feel I have a valid and balanced view upon the industry both in the UK, and the USA, from a hands on, personal, first person perspective... It is upon these credentials, which I draw my opinions from?
At the same time though, for me to pretend that I am a regular ?Guardian Reader?, (with a degree in sociology / psychology) would in truth, be a laughable claim for me to make.
As I can only speak from my own personal experience, as such, I can only reiterate that in porno (as in most things in life) there are many, many, many, different people, each with many, many, many, different stories to tell, and with many, many many, different view points?.
I personally believe, that if any female decides to go into pornography As did I? AS A CAREER DECISION, WITH HER EYES WIDE OPEN... (Although there is very little point in her perusing this idea if she is only in it for the money and does not enjoy sex) Then there should be no reason that she shouldn?t stand a chance of success and of making it such as I have done, however, if as undeniably (we have to conclude) there are many other reasons for which girls enter this business, then some can, and will make a success of it? nonetheless some others...will by default? be less fortunate...and possibly end up to be the subject of documentary?s and / or discussions upon this forum !
So, in conclusion?
Do I think he gives a wider perspective? ??? YES?
(But only because he talks to more than one girl?)
Do I think you can draw a better conclusion from this piece than the Channel 4 documentary ??? NO?
(Cause its really a case of each to there own? )
Final Line ???
Live And Let Live? Cause Life?s To Short, Anyway? Im tired and off to bed now?
Luv Lay xxx