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Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 11:30 am
by David J
...thanks for replying to my message, I really didn't expect it.
You asked where I got your vids. I have started getting vids by mail order from the US (I got There's Something about Jack # 3 that way), but it is slow, and I was afraid they might be confiscated by Customs. This hasn't happened yet (fingers crossed). Some messages on the board today suggest that Customs are no longer stopping US videos if they would comply with BBFC guidelines. This is good news if it is true. They might still stop stuff like M*x H*****re, but good riddance, in my view.
The other vids of yours that I've seen are pirate copies available in a few places in Soho, but I won't name names.
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 3:37 pm
by Layla~Jade
Thats fine, dont worry, I dont want you to name names... I am just glad that you got to se them, thats all...
anyways, send me an e to and i will send you some piccs by return, if you like that is...
luv lay xxx
PS if your email is a hotmail address though, dont bother, cause the file of pics are to large for hotmail, and get rejected... also, be sure to sign-in for my launch party at my site, for your invite to my 12 hour free webcam party !!!
Lay xx
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 4:41 pm
by harris
Hi Layla! I'm a fan of yours too, so I thought I'd say hi. I loved the scene with Emma for Ben Dover...what happened to her???
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 10:41 pm
by joey
Hey, David, if you're placing orders with US companies and getting stuff through, you're at the cutting edge of the vital research effort into the question of whether Customs are in fact applying the new guidelines as they are supposed to. Please let us know what your success rate is!
Any signs that your parcels have been looked at by Customs, and then let through?
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 6:42 am
by harris
I had one recently that had "ADULT DVD" written on it and wasnt opened....
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 7:07 am
by Layla~Jade
Emma simply decided that after doing only that one scene, (which was infact the scene that got Ben not only the nomination, but also won him the avn award in 2000) that the biusness was not for her, and she now happily works in an old peoples home, with no interestor intentions to return to adult...
Lay xxx
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 7:12 am
by alec
Hate to be a smart arse, but she's been in a few others as well - listed here as Cathy [2], but I don't doubt you on where she is now.
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 8:50 am
by David J
Well, I said I've 'started' using mail-order, which means in fact I've only used it twice so far - partly because I want to get one vid before I order another, and they take about a month to arrive (i.e. about two weeks for Excalibur to process the order and obtain the vid from the supplier, and two weeks in transit. Excalibur email their customers to say when the package is shipped).
So I've ordered 2 vids and received both of them, which is a 100% success rate, but hardly a statistically significant sample!
The packages were stamped by Customs at Mount Pleasant sorting office, otherwise no sign that they had been opened or anything like that.
In content, the vids are non-violent non-kinky adult hardcore, of a kind that so far as I know would meet BBFC guidelines for R18.
Re: Layla, I'm in love!
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2001 4:22 pm
by crofter
hey layla, I am a big fan of your work, can you answer a few questions:
Are you now based back in the uk for good or do you still go back and forth to the usa.
Are there any exciting developments you are involved with on the uk hardcore scene that we can look forward to??
lots of luv