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cash registering

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 7:33 pm
by krusty
Was told this site was worth a look.
Stats great but forum clogged with free advertising:-
Phil Mc,Wendy,TM,Dr.Blue ETC ETC (oh and not forgetting Layla J.)
Close the forum,make the Links page more prominent and charge
them more.
With the amount of extra cash they're turning over thanks to
this site THEY OWE YOU !- no wonder they're so keen.

Re: cash registering

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 3:57 am
by Callipygea
The plugging can get a bit excessive (you know who I mean, chaps and lasses), but the forum is still a great read, and full of useful information.

However, I agree that Alec et al should be charging plenty for the links, and perhaps they should charge the pro's for their promotional messages.

This site is so good technically that they deserve to make something out of it.

Re: cash registering

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 10:27 am
by alec
I think the dictionaries should be brought down off the shelves and the words 'clogging' and 'excessive' looked up. The people named by no means clog up the forum. When they post, and some do indeed post frequently, their posts are by no means always spam. They often make interesting, informative, and sometimes funny, contributions to the discussions. When they do advertise their products, those products are relevant to the purpose of this site. Would you rather NOT know about newly-released films or shortly-to-be-shown programmes featuring British girls, and where to get hold of them, particularly given the difficulties of doing the latter if you live outside London? I am touched by your concern for our financial interests, but those are our business, not yours. If what you say gets us more free review copies thanks for saying it, but what entitles someone who has only just discovered the site to start redesigning it? When do you invade Poland, may I ask?

Re: cash registering

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 10:59 am
by ky
I AM entitled to an opinion thanks !!!
If you're happy being used that,of course, is indeed your

Oh,and the Poland remark was charming by the way .

Re: cash registering

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 11:26 am
by alec
We do not regard it as being used. If you have only recently found this site how can you judge? As to the Poland remark, this arises from experience of newsgroups where new arrivals often seem to want to take over the group and change the rules. If that does not apply to you then I apologise.

It was not the nature of your opinion so much as the manner in which you expressed it. Some phrases sounded more like commands than opinions.

Re: cash registering

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 7:25 pm
by liam
Kick on Alec...Phil Mc. may be feathering his nest,but he does
come up with some very good info.After all you don't have to read his posts if you don't want to.I say leave things as they
are unless someone posts spam,and rips people off.Any info must
be of help to someone.By the way I,m still offering the Stacey
Owen one has claimed it yet...including Phil.

Re: cash registering

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 10:18 pm
by joey
A feature which distinguishes spammers from contributors is that spammers don't reply to questions about their posts.

If 'krusty' were to go back and read past messages, he would
see that Phil Mc, Remington (or is that Remmington, I can never remember...) and the others have made informed and valuable contrubutions to the knowledge base.

The 'churn' of information in the forum has helped somewhat in building the database that is the raison d'etre of the site. If Krusty doesn't like it, he should just omit reading it. A fairly simple endeavour, one would think.

Re: cash registering

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 11:23 pm
by joey
In view of the obvious similarities between 'krusty's post and this older one (cashreg vs. cash registering) I wonder if the authors could be related?

I really am hard-up to explain why someone with a genuine interest in the subject matter would criticise a porn-related website such as this for not being commercialised enough!