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Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 8:35 am
by Busta
I'm very keen to obtain various Anabolic titles, in particular some of the 'Gangbang Girl' and 'Butt Banged'shows. Could anyone reccomend a reliable UK dispatcher that carries these titles? I generally stick with Your Choice(the best service I agree), but they don't seem to carry this range. I notice that Vidshop carry many of them but I've read all the links comments and am obviously wary. Does anyone have any luck with them? Any advice?
Great site by the way. Keep it up;-)

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 3:23 pm
by alec
Adult Eye Candy (link on this site) has Butt Banged Naughty Nurses. Otherwise your best bet is probably NCV and Oscar One. Addresses on this site - links section.

Re: Anabolic titles- Cheers

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 4:10 am
by Busta
Cheers. I'll try NCV & Oscar One as I haven't got round to them yet.

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 4:53 am
by Ned
If you want em on VCD then go for I got Gang Bang Girl 18 from them and the quality was very good. Only a fiver too! Getting more stuff next week so I'll report back then.

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 7:37 am
by Busta
I'm going to give them a go as well. Number 19 is the one I'd really like to get. Careena Collins is my all-time favouite US performer. Absolute dynamite I reckon. Is GBG18 worth getting? I'm thinking about it.

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:34 pm
by Ned
Very good if you like that stuff. Only three girls in two scenes on the vcd but it runs about 75 mins. Double anal entry, cum spooned into the mouth etc. Also cumshot into the butt which is dribbled into another girl's mouth (disgusting!) with added farting sound effects overdubbed. Nearly choked on my coffee with laughter!

Sabrina Johnson is good as ever in this and teams up with another girl to take on a bunch of guys. Takes cum in the mouth and dribbles it to her friend's mouth. Very raw and very, very horny.
No condoms (hurray!)

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 11:20 am
by David J
There is also a Gangbang Girl volume with our lovely friend Layla-Jade. (I'm not sure which number it is - I think it's around # 23.) Layla and the German girl Maren Beautte get gangbanged by about 20 guys on a building site. The other scene in the vid is with Inari Vachs.

I've seen the vid but traded it after a few 'viewings', as I think large gangbangs are (a) boring, and (b) can be disgusting, e.g. in this one Layla had to lick spunk off a toilet seat.

(Sorry, Layla, you were great but the vid sucked!)

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 3:43 pm
by Ned
Know what you mean. All that cum-farting on #18 turned me guts a bit. Spooning cum into a girls mouth with a silver teaspoon, having her spit it out and then spoon it back about ten times was a bit much too. Double anal made up for it somewhat. Not really into gang bangs, but it was cheapo.

Re: Anabolic titles-any advice?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 2:14 am
by John
If you're into Careena look out for Bruce Seven's 'Takin it to the Limit 2: A Step Further' and 'Takin it to the Limit 3: Kickin Ass'. She's totally mind blowing in the latter film especially.

Yes ! - try and get hold of this.......

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 7:57 pm
by di abolical
Leeanne's "Rough Sex 2"- too hot for many of the usual stockists
even those stateside.