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Hey, Layla!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 7:52 pm
by David J
If it's really you posting...

Unlike some, I have seen several of your US vids. I only wish we could get them legally here, so we could get reliable service, and you could get better paid!

I particularly like interracial stuff (don't ask me why, I'm not black, as it happens) and I've seen you in Gangland, There's Something about Jack, Gangbang Auditions, and Butt Banged Hitchhiking Whores. Great stuff, mainly because you really seem to be enjoying it. But can it really be fun having Lex up your arse??

Re: Hey, Layla!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 4:03 pm
by Layla~Jade
hey... thats great... at last !!!! someone has actually seen some of my movies in this country !!! unbelievable...
(assumes german accent...)
you vill tell me...
vheree did zay come from ???
how did zoo getz zem ???
who iz your supplier ???
we hav wayz to make zoo talk...
No, serioulsly though, its a nice change to hear from someone whose not just heard of me... but has actually seen some of my best work !!! one correction though... you said that "I seem to be enjoying myself"... well thats not quite true...
Thats one of the reasons that I have done so well for myself in the USA... you ask can it be fun having lex up my arse... well actually yes... its more fun than in my pussy !!! why ? cause when lex has me normally, he hits my cervixe... thats agony... so I can actually taker him better analy !!!
anyway... If you wanna see more of me, go to my free uk site, at and register up for my free party... a 12 hour live webcam bonanza im doing soon to launch my new site... which will be selling some of the movies I have done !!!
if you e, and say that your the guy from bgafd, i will email you a file of my private (& as yet unseen, interacial pics) again for free, to probve it is me, thats posting

Re: Hey, Layla!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 11:30 am
by charlie
Hi layla
I also have seen several (6 or 7 at least) of yor movies and am really "into" you.Thought the one of you with Sean Michaels on the stairs was brill.
Also, have visited your sites.
Any hope of those pics as well?

Re: Hey, Layla!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 7:35 pm
by Layla~Jade
Whey-Hey !!!
Thanxxx... Just drop me an email, and i will send some off to you..
If you like, i will also put you down for my free webcam party, to launch my new site...
i will wait 2 hear from you...
luv lay...
Ps... the one on the stairs, wasnt with Sean Micheals... it was Jake steed, in anabolics "Up Your Ass 10"