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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:09 pm
by Alan Young
I see Mr Boring is back on this forum again, spouting his usual crap. No wonder he's here, as his own forum looks to have gone tit's up.

A request for help, Neil doesn't know I am sending this!!

From: Rachel
To: Registered users

There have been some comments lately from long time members of the Forum that the place is quiet, I would go further and say its dying on its arse!!! (Sorry for being blunt!) But I think there is something you can all do to help

What would be good is if all you blokes who are members of other models' forums, push Neil's site and Forum for him. Some of them may pop in, I think at the moment we have just 4 or 5 models who come online, and of those only 1 or 2 post messages. What's disappointing is the lack of links I see people posting for Neil on other forums. Even when a model who is featured on his sites are mentioned you guys never post a link to any of Neil's sites. I check BGAFD alot and never does anyone mention Neil's sites there when Bang Babes presenters or other models who are on celebs are mentioned.

So come on guys help out, if you see questions anywhere on any forum about models that are on Neil's sites then please post a link. Remember by site I mean the actual site not the Forum. But as I say I know alot of you are members of a multitude of models forums, why not mention this site and forum to the model in question. You never know she may pop over and things may liven up. So lets all push this place before Neil gets totally bored with the whole thing!

Just a rallying call from someone who cares , I know you all love it here ( But Neil doesn't know that!!) so come on help us push the whole deal. Neil has always said any glamour model is welcome on Celebrities R Us and any adult model is welcome on the XXX site, he never says no to anyone. So help out and get asking for us.

I'm asking for your help because frankly the Forum is dead ! Please help out, if you can. This site has done alot and helped alot of people out, I know alot of the fans are closer to their fave models now than ever they could have hoped and Neil's Forum is at least partly responsible for that.

So lets get cracking and save the Forum while we can, sending this via PM as Neil wouldn't want me to post it!!! So don't mention it to him please , just get promoting , all over the place. If Neil does it , its spam , if you do it its being helpful as you are only answering questions. BGAFD is a great place for posting links as there are always questions about all Television models on there.

Also, a personal plea to all models.

I know coming onto the Forum has to be done in your spare time but please, please come online and post and help Neil out! The Forum was set up so fans could talk to the models who appear on Neil's site but now with a few exceptions that doesn't happen. All we have now is loads of blokes talking to each other about you all! Thats done on so many other Forums, Neil's was different for so long. If there is anything that can be done to make the forum more fun for you all then all you need do is ask. The admin team , Neil, Bungle, JD and Faith will always be happy to help. If pms are a problem you can stop them being sent to you, if certain members posts annoy you they can be hidden from view by adding that person to the Foe list. There is even a section now that only is visible by invite so only people that are known to be trustworthy can see it. So please try for me, I know you are busy but really if you use the Forum its a good place for promotion, especially for the newer models. Also you inexperienced models out there have some extremely successful models here to chat to aswell, who would be only too happy to offer advice. Lets face it what better modelling advice could you receive than that of people who have been there , seen it, done it for a number of years?

Hope you can help, and you blokes get promoting!!!! I see some of you all over the place but never do I see links to Neil's sites!!!

Ta muchly, much love



Neil will be in London with Alex later this week and I know he is going to try and get some photos while he is down there for the Forum so stay tuned

Re: NeilUK

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:24 pm
by Chilly
!laugh! Funny as fuck, this is the same guy that posted that he wanted his links on this site to be removed, now someone on his forum is asking his members to get onto this site and help promote it. !laugh!

Re: NeilUK

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:03 pm
by NeilUK
For your info my site is doing fine thanks, the reason for me asking for my links to be removed is my business and not yours. The private message you refer to was sent by someone I know and she was talking purely about the Forum. Which is also doing fine aswell, and again it has no business being on this forum.

The fact that you would take the time to copy and paste a message sent to members of my forum says more about your personality than mine.

I have no ill feeling toward this site or the admin team here, it was a difference of opinion thats all. Its a minority of its users that are the problem on here.

The Forum rules here mean that personal insults and arguments aren't allowed so I won't respond any further. Except to say keep looking you may find a life somewhere

Re: NeilUK

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:55 pm
by BigStu80
That pm went out to registered members on the forum, which mean's you must be a member, the question is, if you think the forum is so bad why did you join it?