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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2000 7:35 pm
by Blast Furnace
I'm a big fan of Teresa May, and was wondering whether to join her web site.... Anybody here a member, and if so, is it any good..?Any info re this teriffic girl would be appreciated!!!!!!!Cheers!!!!


Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2000 11:42 pm
by Is Tony Blair a Socialist?????
I've been a member of Teresa's site for  a little while now... whilst there are a few superb shots of Teresa...( a brilliant set of her spread and all oiled up cums to mind)...the majority of the pics are becoming tiresome. In some of the latterly added ones she is begining to show her true age as her complexion deteriorates and the cellulite shows through. Her breats, being silicone, should last much longer than the rest of her. The site as a whole is disappointing, as it seems to be having teething troubles...... and at ?8 a month it is not cheap. I'm only staying a member until they get the on-line shop up and running to see whether I can get a copy of the elusive dildo video... if it's not on offer then I'm going to sack it....... anyone thinking of joining... hold of a few weeks at least..... 'cos at the moment it isn't worth it!!!!!!!!!!!