Phil McCavity
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2000 3:27 pm
Phil will now visit this forum every day to answer all questions direct. I will have stand at erotica in November and welcome any of my loyals along to the show. Stand is DMG. Just got a barrow of filth through the BBFC as 18R with DMG logo on it. Guaratee hard including anal/female ejaculation etc etc. They thought Fuck Truck was funny they obviously have never had my fat little cock up their ass. We have site now running at but don't sell any vid's off it cause you can get them at your local sex shop or via a whole load of mail order companies who have my blessings (if you see my stuff advetised send me the links or details and if they turn out to be pirates I will send you free vid's) what happen's to them Well as my old friend smith & weston used to say. Well hope to speak to you all soon happy monkey spanking.Phil.