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Please help a moron.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 2:33 pm
by Lil' Papa Pump
What is this site people mention. How can I access it? Do I have to sub to TelevisionX?

Re: Please help a moron.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 3:32 pm
by alec
It's a news group. It may once have been intended to have a lot to do with the TV channel, but is now devoted to British glamour girls and porn models, regardless of where they appear. You can access it just like any other news group, but I'm not the best person to explain how.

Re: Please help a moron.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 3:36 pm
by joe king
a usenet news group, I use outlook express (IE5 has a mail button, click it and select 'read mail' to get outlook express) , outlook should be configured to your ISPs news server (if the server has newsgroups)

Alternatively use the google groups to search for
google groups
this has No pictures.

Re: Please help a moron.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 4:05 pm
by THE chuckster
Ok. I struggled but what you do is this. Go to a site called then when the page loads type televisionx in the box. This will bring up a list of servers holding the newsgroup. I use netscape communicator. Then select a server and it will connect you. Some allow pics, some are just text and some miss some of the posts so I tend to check 2 or 3 servers to pick up all the messages. Hope this helps.

Re: Please help a moron.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2001 5:11 pm
by Lil\' Papa Pump
Gentlemen, if I wore a hat I would doff it in your general direction.

Re: Please help a moron.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2001 7:19 pm
by John
Totally irrelevant but as far as I recall the newsgroup appeared in the late 1996/early 1997 timeframe and then sat there with nothing being posted for a long time. Slowly it started being used for occasional British Glamour and TVX related stuff towards the end of 1997 and it grew from there. The rest is history...