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Re: Attn: Vegetarians.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:01 am
by Sam Slater
I've an even better question.

With stem cell research and what not, it will be possible within 10 years to grow our own meat. Say a chicken breast that was never in a live chicken. This means no animals will be killed in the future for us to get meat.

Now, where do veggies stand on that?

Re: Attn: Vegetarians.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:54 am
by planeterotica
The body needs a regular intake of the vitamin B12 which is responcible for the production of red blood cells, the only source of B12 is from meat, dairy products or eggs, now this is ok for veggies as they still eat dairy products and eggs but vegans who claim never to eat any animal products have to take a B12 supplement which itself is made from animal products, so i would go for the steak.

Re: Attn: Vegetarians.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:30 pm
by Steve R
I have been a vegetarian for over twenty years.


I'd choose the steak.


if that becomes possible, I shall eat nothing but meat for about six months.

Re: Attn: Vegetarians.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:43 pm
by Ace
I will never eat meat again, no matter what. Sometimes you have to stand with yer principals.

Besides, enough protein supplements to maintain a healthy intake of vitamins etc

Re: Attn: meat eaters !

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:38 am
by Roberto Scotti
Why do some of you need to ask such bizarre questions or dream up even weirder hypothetical scenarios to see how strong someones ethical beliefs are? I would say I know and have met in excess of 75 vegan/veggie people in all walks of life, be it teachers, engineers, consultants, marathon runners, musicians, managers, actors etc that don't feel compelled to ask me the same questions .I find it very odd that meat eaters do !

Over the years (about 15) I have been plagued by all sorts wanting to know if I was in situation X, would I do A,B or C and I got so fed up of my answers being doubted, that I simply refuse to answer anymore, but even that drives people to doubt my motives, so you really can't win !

It really doesn't matter if I would do A,B, or C, as I will never be in those extreme situations, say marooned on a desert island or have a gun put to my head, or have to save humanity from death, etc, etc. It is really only important to me how I conduct myself now and in the real world future !

So c'mon guys 'n' gals, I promise not to ask you all if you would rape your mother, abuse your sister or firebomb your granny to save yourself, provided you don't bother me with such trivia.!

However, I would ask you that if someone put a gun to your head, would you eat your greens? ;-)
