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Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 5:07 pm
by Pasta
Just a thought - I note the Ben Dover tapes sold by Your Choice have the VCA label on the box cover pics. So are they copied from NTSC? This seems daft when he is a British producer and they are a UK company, or at least selling to the UK. The quality of VHS is dodgy enough post-DVD (even pre-DVD for that matter) without adding additional degeneration to the picture. OK, you might expect this from US made tapes, but from Ben. Esp. considering Your Choice are meant to be an "official" supplier.

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 5:53 pm
by alec
They are definitely NOT copied from NTSC master tapes or NTSC copies. I am gradually replacing my old Ben Dover copies with YC copies and the difference in picture quality is huge where the old ones were copied from NTSC. Bummed out in Britain was well nigh perfect when it arrived (last year) and had an extra few minutes which is definitely not on the American version - see review. Sex Kittens also has an extra few minutes. Since they do not supply boxes, they have to get the illustrations from somewhere, and the German releases will have German titles etc.

Your Choice copies also now have a few seconds of Ben facing the camera and promoting Your Choice at the end. Should be at the start really as some people will already have started rewinding. They also do not have title sequences these days and the order of scenes is sometimes different from the American version. They obvioulsy have master tapes of their own.

Hope that clears things up unambiguously. Also they have just released Booty Duty, Royal Heinies and London Call Girls. The only one outstanding is now Cheek Mate and even jaded didn't have a box cover for that the other day, though 'Clare' is in the cast list - thought you'd like to know that last snippet.

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 4:10 am
by Matt
What are the extra minutes on Sex Kittens??

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 4:11 am
by Matt
Oops sorry it's on your review...must have missed that last time I read it. Apologies.

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 2:03 pm
by Pasta
Thanks Alec, much appreciated.
When I was looking at the new releases from Your Choice, I noticed that London Call Girls features a girl called Anna who was talked about in the same edition of Ben's column in Ravers (no pun intended) that the shooting of Claire's scene was mentioned. I was wondering when that scene might emerge, so the information there is most valuable!

BTW, I also note from a review by the "controversial" P Riley in RAME that Claire is in Barely Legal #9, under her Scotti Andrews alias. I am actually starting to lose track here, so tell me if I have mentioned that one already!

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 5:30 pm
by alec
Nope - that's a new one, thanks.

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 5:41 pm
by Mac
YC do not have 'Lewd in Liverpool'.

Anyone know where I can get a PAL version of this without using Vidshop ?

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2001 7:36 pm
by Matt
Your Scene.

I notice Your Scene are advertising in Bizarre now, along with Your Choice and Vidshop, who still guarantee delivery :)

Did anyone see Your CHoice's ad in FHM? I thought it was tacky; they should explain what they're about better in their ad's - since they're surrounded by Sullivan rip-off stuff, and a novice wouldn't be able to tell which ads were for softcore and which were not...

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 3:56 pm
by groovypaul
What review? Am I stupid enough to be missing out on something?

Re: Ben Dover tapes NTSC or PAL

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 4:47 pm
by alec
Click on films on the left of the page, then click on a film where the 'notes' column has 'yes' in it.