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Censorship of the War

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:45 pm
by eroticartist
When I read Mary Whitehouse's book in prison it was because I wanted to know my enemy and also I had plenty of time to catch up on my reading. I got her book from the prison library. One of the things I remember was that she was very insistent that the government of the day should ban explicitly violent images from war zones.

Her thesis was that the Vietnamese war was lost by America because explicit pictures of violence were being broadcast from the theatre of war by news broadcasters. I think that she was absolutely right in her analysis.

If the British public were to see uncensored news broadcasts coming out of of Iraq they would see the terrible truth about the carnage the coalition forces are doing there in our name . All I see on the news are censored anodyne images on the BBC, and maybe a symbol like a child's doll lying among the wreckage of an airstrike. If censorship was removed and we could see the bloody carnage our armed forces are committing then I am sure that there would be a national revulsion and the war would soon be over.

Those politicians who are red in tooth and claw with the blood of over half a million people are determined that the British public shall not see the truth. That is why censorship is always wrong. I challenge them to let us see the truth. Stop the censorship now.

Tony Blair and his cronys lied to us about the threat of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and they should be brought to book for the greatest crime in modern history. Meanwhile they censor the news and the terrible truth of what is being perpetrated in our name. It is time to bring our young men home before they die in a dishonourable war of aggression.
Mike Freeman.

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:37 am
by eroticartist
It seem as if no-one cares if the news is censored because most of you have never known any difference.

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:16 am
by Lizard
I think most people do care Mike, but WTF can you do, I dont want to pay my outragious council tax, or pay to park in a major city and anyway the BBC and national news may be censored but there is plenty of real stories and pictures plastered all over the web if you know where to look..

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:16 pm
by eroticartist

The BBC represents this country and represents the people as well as those that make the programs. It should tell us the truth.
If I was a war reporter I would go to a just after an allied airstrike, you know when all the blood is spurting out and all that you can hear are the screams of the mutilated and mangled bodies all around you,women and children, civilians. You would puke unless you were a complete sadist and psychopath.

The state is afraid to show us what they are doing because I know that there would be 20 million people tryng to get to Whitehall. Do you think that if they called in the Army that British soldiers would shoot you?

Some imagine that post traumatic shock that ex soldiers complain about is in order to get some money! Humans are the only species that slaughter their own kind. Only the insane can commit these inexcusable, unforgivable acts without trauma.

The army swear an oath to Queen and country,not the state. There are legitimate conflicts and they are carried out by the flower of our youth,our heros.

I look at the American news stations and Aljezera. Give me a link where there is no censorship and I will check it out.


Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:17 pm
by Lizard
To be fair mike, terry lloyd tried to do that and look what happened to him.

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:56 pm
by eroticartist
The link?

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:17 pm
by Lizard

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:20 pm
by Sam Slater
I really think that sometimes, the truth has to be dealt out carefully, and responsibly, whist weighing up the consequences.

The public may be disgusted with the truth, but are the 'public in general' in a position to theorise about a world where Islamic nations dictate world policies?

Looking at past 'X Factor' and 'Big Brother' winners, sometimes the public at large don't know what's best for them!

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:29 pm
by eroticartist
Thank you for the link. I have read some of and I will be looking at a lot of the articles over the next couple of days. It is interesting to say the least.