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Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:01 am
by eroticartist
With TV dead many Broadband subscibers have got rid of their sets and have computer screens instead. With several devices now that operate via a USB connection and give one access to digital television stations around the world Broadband subscribers no longer need a TV set. So why is the government insisting that people pay for a TV license?!annoyed!
Mike Freeman.

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:10 am
by Von Boy
TV Tax if you please !!!!!

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:14 am
by DanG
Pay no License Fee
Fuck the BBC!

Didn't some guy go to court and win because he proved that he could not/did not receive any BBC transmissions and just watched Sky via a monitor?

I am very interested in any loophole that will allow me to stop subsidising the BBC. Can you imagine a law saying you have to fork out ?x amount a year to subsidise the career of Geri Halliwell or Gareth Gates or some reality TV has been? why should I have to subsidise the BBC's efforts?

I watch Doctor Who on the Beeb...that's it. For the cost of a License, I could just go out and get the new series on DVD. It's time for 'Auntie' to let go of the aprons and step out of a consequence free environment and into the real world. ITV are currently reaping what they have sown in terms of dwindling audiences and ad revenues. If the BBC puts out a load of shit (which for my money, it has been) it gets the same amount of money again, regardless of how poorly it performed, and has the audacity to ask for even more!

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:54 am
by Bubo
TV Poll Tax

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:24 am
by Fraser
Just to cheer you up, there is talk of extending the license to include a surcharge on new computer systems as so much content is available to stream and download now.

The license is a very old fashioned way of collecting money for the BBC and I agree that a lot of BBC programming is awful - who else would pay the apalling Graham Norton millions of pounds. I do think that the BBC news and current affairs are the best we have at the moment. The Hutton enquiry criticised the BBC over the David Kelly affair, but which side of the story looks more credible today?

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:05 am
by Flat_Eric
Fraser wrote:


The Germans have already cottoned onto that particular cash cow, and as from 1st Jan next year, PCs here are being classed as (quote) "new-type broadcast reception units" (i.e. as TVs) in order to justify this blatant rip-off of the population.

If you already have a TV then you won't have to pay the extra UNLESS you're (a) a company or (b) self-employed, in which case it's an extra 17 Euros plus some change per MONTH.

I (like millions of others) fall into the latter bracket though, and people are up in arms about it because they need their PC for work - not to watch TV on. Plus the fact that the Tax Office now insists that all tax decalarations must be submitted electronically so you HAVE to have one for that reason, even if you use it for nothing else.

Fucking daylight robbery and a shameless piss-take if you ask me.

However, I don't use my PC to watch TV so they can fuck right off. I object to paying this extra amount in principle (I already pay my TV tax) and have no intention of doing so.

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:38 am
by mrchapel
Because if BBC were subscription based like sky no one would pay for the shite they show.
I object to buying a LCD TV for the sole purpose of playing my xbox 360 on and being told I`ve to subsidise fucking Graham Norton and Johnathan Ross`s extortionate salaries.
Get rid of the licence, force the Beeb to go Subscription or commercials, make these overpaid talentless cunts take less money and start making decent programs, because there`s very little on there right now. At most Doctor who and that won`t last long.

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:47 am
by DanG
Chapel, you hit the nail bang on the head there...couldn't agree with you more!

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:07 pm
by Bubo
Hmm, trying to think of a good show the BBC actually puts out other than the news and other current affairs programs....I love Ultimate Force, but that's on ITV, isn't it? So's the long gone Spitting Image. Only Fools & Horses, but that's long gone.....I give up!