Ian Huntley

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Roger Fukwit
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Ian Huntley

Post by Roger Fukwit »

Or should I call him Ian Cuntly?
So he tried to take his own life then? pity the murdering scumbag didn't get it right.
What a fucking coward!! Did the crime but can't do the time.
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Jonone »

'If you can't do the time don't do the crime' doesn't really apply. There's crime and crime. What he did was more of an atrocity.
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Marino »

How many here would happily send him on his way, I would. I would have no moral problem killing him very slowly and watching him die.
I would like to sit him in a large barrell of water. Cut his belly open and let him see his intestines floating around him as he dies slowly.
Maybe I am twisted, but this cunt deserves more than pain before he dies.

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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Cerberus »

Allowing him to commit suicide is an insult to his victims & their families.
He should be kept in an empty padded cage, naked, fed by tube & medicated intraveinously. Under 24hr surveillance. That way he'd have nothing to self harm with. Better still ,subjected to endless video playback of his victims. Maybe after a few years of this he'd show remorse for what he did.
I dare say he'd probably be driven insane by this inhuman treatment. GOOD. Personally I'd have him put down like the animal he is, at the end of his current term.
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Pervert »

End of his current term? He will never be released.

Cases involving kids bring out the worst in the general public. I'm a peace-loving guy, totally opposed to violence, and I would quite cheerfully take a sledgehammer to Huntley and carry on using it until his bones were ground to dust.
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Cerberus »

Exactly my point. If he ever lives long enough to seek parole then he should be put down.
The H.O. should also recommend his participation in any form of drug trial/testing that is deemed unacceptable on animals. Make the bastard earn his keep.
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Shopgirl »

Talking of earning his keep - we are all paying to keep him in there!!
I personally think that any child murderer that is found guilty, without a shadow of doubt, should be given the dealth penalty

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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Bubo »

"It" wants to die, uh? Well, in that case we should indeed do completely the opposite to what "it" wants.

He should be kept in an empty padded cage, naked, fed by tube & medicated intraveinously. Under 24hr surveillance. That way he'd have nothing to self harm with.

I like the sound of all this, but I'd also strap "it" to a table 24/7, 52 weeks a year with "its" testicles wired to the electricity mains. Yes, that sounds bloody good to me indeed. !happy!
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by mrmcfister »

If theres a hell Huntley better go..must agree it needs to be punished!Let him have a crap life.......
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Re: Ian Huntley

Post by Bubo »

I say let it have a loooong preview of hell before it goes to the real thing.