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An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:08 pm
by Cerberus
In January this year I was very heartened by this news: The Government understands the value of cannabis medicines and has allowed Sativex, a British export, cannabis-based, medicine to be imported from Canada on a temporary basis. Or rather it has said Sativex can be imported under the caveat;
From the Home Office: How to be prescribed Sativex
Your GP will need to apply to this office to prescribe Sativex
to you.
Your GP will need to provide the following:
a) your personal details - full name, address, age, gender
b) a brief indication of the clinical need
c) the dosage total amount required (the manufacturer,
GW Pharmaceuticals can help with this information - telephone 01980 557026 or email
Your GP can forward this information to me at:
Mike Evans
Home Office, Drugs Branch,
6th Floor, Peel Building,
2 Marsham Street,

At last I thought, I no longer have to risk imprisonment or pay through the nose to get a medicine, which works.
So off I went in my wheelie pram to my GP, she?d never heard of it. I presented her with the information, which she?d have to read later because she was busy but she?d get back to me. I?m a reasonable guy so off I went. Three weeks later I chased her up. No, she?d not had time to read it but the ?Practice? had referred my request to my Consultant Neurologist. A chance then!
Yesterday morning, 7 months later I get a phone call??.after due consideration with my consultant & PCT, the practice had decided that they felt unable to support my application. Why? I asked. Can?t discuss it with you says she. Our follow up letter will explain.
Well it arrived today, it would seem my GP practice & PCT are scared shitless of the word CANNABIS & will not be complicit in my possible addiction & harm. Not to mention the exorbitant costs!
So they will not entertain applying on my behalf. And that is their full & final decision.
Mind you, they did add that if I wish they are happy to prescribe me Diazepam & or Tamazepam for my pain/spasticity! What happened the Hippocratic Oath?

So I can?t squiff a few droplets of HMG regulated THC under my tongue but they are delighted to shell out highly addictive class A drugs like smarties.
I obviously have a choice??..take the smarties & become a dependant zombie, risk plods wrath & continue to buy my weed or take up gardening in my conservatory!
If the British pharmaceutical companies decided to grow & sell quality cannabis, there would be a massive scramble in the Government to get the drug legalised, marketed & taxable. A pity BAT or B&H aren?t involved.
The problem is, it is reasonably cheap and anyone can grow their own. And Teflon Tone knows only too well there is no profit in that!

Q. Does anyone know of an MS sufferer who has been granted a Sativex prescription?

**Before I get flamed as irresponsible???..
Govt Advice: Those who may be considered at risk, young adult males of poor working class, (this alone smacks of prejudice); are to be protected from cannabis, which has been proven to be anything but cannabis, as the substance known as resin or Rocky is a commercial and contaminated product. Therefore, a socio-economic class is further pilloried through the criminality associated with the dealers and users. The shout from the mental health psychosis specialists are also flawed, by not understand the difference with the natural herbal product and such chemical mishaps made to sell as cannabis.

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:50 pm
by Skunk
Check out some of the smaller hydroponic set-ups you can get, not sure how much medication you need, but once you get it up and running it's not that difficult to do. Rotate a new cutting into the flowering box every two weeks or so, 12 weeks down the line you become self sufficient.*

I agree with all the above sentiments too.

*I....ummm....some bloke told me this in a pub
**My name actually refers to these:
not the green version !wink!

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:10 pm
by diplodocus
a few options

there must be internet support groups for MS like other rare illnesses, i've got one for mine, post the question on there about others in the UK who have been given access to the drug and how they went about obtaining it

try another gp, if you 'shop' around you my find one who is a bit more open minded and prepared to listen to you, this could take time (it took me ten years to get someone to listen properly and get a correct diagnosis)

look at going private - sometimes these docs are more willing to do what the patient wants as long as they get paid

kick up a stink in the media - local press may be interested ina story like this

good luck

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:21 pm
by Porn crackers
Yes.... can see why your angry.... and didn't it take a bloody long time to be told.

I agree with diplodocus about getting the media involved, and your MP.

Bloody anoying when people make a lifestyle choice to take drugs... then get all the help, eg Methadone etc on the NHS. Yet when something you had no choice affects your health you don't get the help.... very unfair.

Good Luck


Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:24 pm
by Jock Strap
Don't ever apologise for an angry rant.
It is your birth rite.

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:52 pm
by randyandy
Keith when you refer to Holland I suppose you mean in particular Amsterdam.

Not sure if you've been but I have and the drug use there is something which if seen on the streets of the ignorant UK would cause uproar.

Cocaine is ready available as a better buzz for cannabis along with it's associated crime problems and so is the numbers of victims of the harmless cannabis often found wondering the street in a psychotic, paranoid state.

Amsterdam is often used as the fine example for legalised cannabis but in reality it's not the great advert those who use or would like to use the drug often portray it as.

As someone who also has an illness that wasn't diagnosed for ages (years) by my GP I feel for Cerbeus and I honestly believe that IF the drug can be used to ease pain, without side affects, then it should be used and more importantly made available to anyone who it can help.

However having seen at first hand the problems the drug DOES cause both in and outside the UK I will always be against it being readily available.

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:37 am
by Hell Kitten
randyandy wrote:

> However having seen at first hand the problems the drug DOES
> cause both in and outside the UK I will always be against it
> being readily available.

They *are* readily available in the UK, the illegality doesn't stop that.

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:45 am
by randyandy
Thanks for clarifying Keith.

If you do visit Amsterdam you will see that the blind eye approach, in terms of organised crime, isn't working. All it has done is moved the crime up to the next level a ready supply of cocaine on the streets.

I actually went to the place to find out if what they do would be good over here but the rightly deduced none social problems do exist and it is something I would never want to see over here.

I saw many eye openers. 1 of the most disturbing was a woman cutting herself while in a paranoid psychotic state.

When I asked the medic why they answered only one word cannabis.