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Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:25 am
by Pervert

Small-minded types exist everywhere. The cretins behind these attacks are vermin.

No excuse, but the same thing can happen when the followers of one Glasgow side see a child in the colours of the other.

Simply supporting your team is no excuse for being attacked.

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:34 am
by steve56
this is just thuggery any xcuse to hurt someone .

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:40 am
by Sam Slater
I think these are just isolated incidents. More shocking to me is the victims were a primary school nipper & a disabled guy. Both attacked my fully grown men!

I wonder if they'd have been attacked if they were wearing Brazil shirts?

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:27 pm
by strictlybroadband
Many Scots seem to hate the English with a vengeance. It probably makes it worse for them that most English don't give a toss. OK, we did fuck them over for a few centuries but time to grow up and get over it.

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:51 pm
by biffalo
Big Hard Bastards eh! Attacking a twelve year old and a disabled guy. Like all football holligans ,soft-shited cowards at heart..wouldn't go one on one with anyone who might give them a hiding

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:40 pm
by Sam Slater
I doubt they were real football hooligans. Hooligans only really fight other hooligans and leave the real fans alone. I guess they're just a couple of guys who're bitter Scotland aren't in the world cup & England are.

Only isolated incidents mind..........these kinda things happen everywhere.

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:24 pm
by mrchapel
I`m not gonna condemn this but people should know better than to wear a England shirt in Scotland. And I don`t care what spin any other assholes put on it. Yes you prob`ly should be able to wear what you want where you want but this is the real world,where I couldn`t watch Braveheart in Carlise without having to run for the bus for my life. There`s thugs and morons everywhere, you don`t fucking attract their attention. I wouldn`t walk past Celtic Park with a Rangers shirt on without expecting trouble.

This wasn`t a football related attack, this was an attack by Scots who wanted to kick the shit out of some English folks.

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:54 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]This wasn`t a football related attack, this was an attack by Scots who wanted to kick the shit out of some English folks.[/quote]

Exactly, nothing to do with football.

Can't blame the victims for wearing England shirts though. It's not the same as walking outside Celtic Park with a Rangers shirt on. The kid was in a park & the disabled guy was in his car. I mean, 'a 12 year old & a disabled guy! 12 year old kids & disabled people don't expect to be battered by grown men, as much as 'other' grown men do.

If the victims were regular 'able bodied' men walking into a pub full of jocks with an england shirt on I might say 'what did they expect?', but picking on kids & guys who'm have a disability isn't defendable at all.

Your quote: "I don't care what spin other assholes put on it." worries me.

Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:38 pm
by mrchapel
The point about spin meant that I know there`ll be people saying you should be able to wear what you want anywhere. And it is the same as wearing a rangers strip outside Celtic park in that your giving morons an opening to harrass you. In both examples its like walking into the lions den and broadcasting your presence to all thugs and low lifes.