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Celebs and charity

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:40 pm
by Questa
Why dont people get annoyed when rich as fuck celebrities do these appeals for money for charity? I saw David Beckham today asking me to donate fiver to some shit or other - he's worth fucking millions! He can donate a fiver for everyone in the country! I on the other hand and lucky to scrape a fiver together to go down the pub. And fucking collen mcloughlin the other night saying we should help build something or other - she could not go shopping for a few days and build a fucking school, they all get on my tits.

Re: Celebs and charity

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:54 am
by Flat_Eric

I hear you, Man!

Call me cynical, but to me the "Beckhams' World Cup Party" (I think "media circus" would be a far better description) was just as much yet another publicity stunt to fuel their own overblown egos as it was about raising money for "good causes".

I'd have far more respect for them (and their ilk) if they were to donate, say, HALF of their obscene salaries to the poor and needy EVERY MONTH, rather than host some fucking celebrity charity auction (catering by Gordon Ramsey, entertainment by Robbie fucking Williams) once in a blue moon.
Even after tax and donating half their salary, they'd still have several tens of grand PER WEEK left over to finance their extravagant lifestyles.

Personally I think that footballers' wages (I refuse to use the term "earnings") should be capped in the same way as they were until back in the 50s. But I know it'll never happen.

And as for Colleen McCloughlin, well - I just can't take her seriously AT ALL, I'm afraid. Who the fuck is she anyhow? Nothing more than some shallow, shoppaholic chav bint with zero talent of her own - a "celebrity by association" who's simply been fortunate enough to be able to ride on the coat-tails of a rich footballer.

Re: Celebs and charity

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:13 am
by bigjossy
i am all for charity and the good it does but that football match on saturday took the fucking biscuit. Robbie "fat cunt " williams running about old trafford as if he was england captain and lifting the trophy as if it was the world cup just made me fucking puke. ego massaging in overdrive. what they should do is ask each celebrity to donate ? 200,000 to charity from there own pocket to have the privelege to play then see how many turn up