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British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:55 am
by strictlybroadband
Anyone else see the video of the the Dorset policeman attacking a black driver, on Channel 4 a couple of nights ago? Usual story: followed and stopped the driver although he had broken no laws, wasn't speeding etc...

Mr Policeman asked him to get out of the car, then pushed him back in the car, CS sprayed him, kept spraying him while the guy tried to escape the attack, then other cops turned up and arrested the poor guy for assault!

Copper claims he "believed the guy had cannabis in his mouth". And he could tell that while driving behind him! What amazing eyesight our boys in blue possess - bionic, x-ray vision is part of the requirement for coppers in Bournemouth.

Luckily, it was all caught on the camera in the car of the original officer who attacked him, and the victim was able to obtain the video to back up his complaint. Naturally, the officer in question is still in his job. After all, mindless racist violence is all part of being a British bobby.

Driving while black is the name of the offence - still carries the risk of violent assault, arrest and possibly imprisonment.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:39 pm
by Ace
Good answer Brerbear. My wife is also in the Police Force, so I know exactly where you are with that post.
Good work!

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:40 pm
by davewells
Jerry the shock of it is I'm afraid that you are shocked.
But I did watch one of these progs where they follow some force on their Friday night dealing with the yobs and did sympathise with them. I used to drink as much if not more than most of todays scumbags. The difference was I could handle it, didn't cause trouble and usually stupidly admittedly drove home.
This is a shithole of a country.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:30 pm
by Guffy
He is lucky that he was not a Brazilian catching a tube train or a guy carrying a chair leg.

At least the guy in the documentary survived

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:19 am
by crofter
Seems the PC Brigade is alive and well on this politically correct and upstanding forum folks .... fuck I will rest easy in my sleep tonight knowing that!!!
In that footage Strictly Broadband was any mention made of the poor chaps ethnicity or are you just putting 2 and 2 together and ending up with at least 5 or above??? if not yes British cops aint the best (we all know that) but it probably beats being taken outside and shot without too many questions asked like some countries.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:01 am
by strictlybroadband
I hate being accused of being "PC", whatever that's supposed to mean (some term the Daily Mail likes to use daily). Pointing out the small-minded racism of that little uniformed wanker isn't PC. Nor is accepting that he's not the only racist cop in the country. Did you actually watch the video before the kneejerk leaping to the defence of the poor accused copper?

I'm white but grew up in a black area and learned at close second-hand from my own friends that being black was enough to get arrested, the shit kicked out of you in a van or a cell, and framed up (usually drugs - the "whoops, what's this in your pocket sonny-boy" gambit). Happened to friends of mine, and back in the 80s the press just pretended it wasn't going on.

And I also have had a friend in the police force, a good person who was sickened by the dumb macho ignorance that passed for culture among many (not all) of her colleagues. But at least here in London, the police are a lot better than they were 20 years ago. Not great, but better. Looks like Dorset's still in the dark ages though.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:12 am
by mart
Thanks for the additional info. So it wasn't a C4 doco but a news item.
