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How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:54 am
by Cenobitez
I was wuite interested to read this on various forums/bbs over the last 5 yrs or so.

I thought id ask you all how you chose your names ?

Mine was down to My 'man bits' looking like a pin cushion with more than a couple of piercings, so i was called pinhead then when i started to write computer software and do bad things, i needed a 'hax0r' name, so since pinhead is the leader of the Cenobites and i was a L33T hax0r i chose Cenobitez :)

How about yours ?

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:16 pm
by Ned
Mine is a Harry Secombe/Goons thing that I chose when I set up an email address for a comedy forum I used to go on, so I wouldn't get confused. :)

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:13 pm
by Bob Singleton
I'm one of the few here to use my real name.

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:30 pm
by Arnold Layne
When I first got my pc some years ago, someone else was setting it up for me, and they asked me to think of a screen name, so I looked up on my wall and the first thing I saw was a promo poster for PInk Floyd's first single "Arnold Layne", so that's it kinda, I don't have any strange hobbies though,,, but I have been eating a lot of pork chops, but they go off so I have to keep buying more, as for womens underwear... at least not when anyone's in the house !grin!

Just to mention the Signature thing

was "invented" by the much missed Holden Magroyn
He was the first to put anything there

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:55 pm
by planeterotica
My website was called planeterotica so when i started posting on this site i used the same name.

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:30 pm
by Ace
Same genuine surname as a wanky American guitarist from PISS, sorry, KISS.
His first name is cool, so I stole it.

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:59 pm
by steve56
mine is a abbreviated 1st name followed by the year i was born!

Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:35 pm
by Porn crackers
Porn crackers


Re: How did you choose your name ?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:20 pm
by fevrd
I had to choose a name for some forum or other and I spend quite a lot of time fantasising about this and that so I thought of "fevered" as in "fevered imagination". Then I wanted it shorter than that so it wouldn't be so much typing and there seemed to be quite a few names about that were made by leaving letters out of ordinary names or words, especially the vowels. fevrd (which really should always be lower case and in italics) should pronounce the same as fevered so that seemed to work.

Then I made the glorious discovery that no matter what I signed up for (email account, username etc) there would never ever be another fevrd. No need ever to be fevrd42 or fevrd25122004!

Then Yahoo deleted a group of mine and my fevrd ID as well. When I made a new ID I couldn't have fevrd because it was in use(!) Now I have to be fevrd2 on Yahoo (sob).