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Praise where it's due

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:32 am
by Fraser
My gf, who does the lion's share of video editing and all the web design, splashed out on a new monitor the other day; the Dell 2405fpw 24 inch wide screen. She was really pleased with it, the bloody thing is nearly as big as our tv, but it had an intimittent fault of going into standby mode sometimes in the middle of work. Anyway, after checking out stuff on her system and changing cables etc etc, by yesterday afternoon she had decided that the monitor itself was at fault.

She rang Dell and they agreed to a swap out. This was at 4.30 yesterday afternoon. 10.00am this morning a guy in a white van arrived with a new monitor and took the old one away.

Now, to my mind, you buy anything these days and sometimes they can be faulty, but what makes the difference is how the company deals with it. I don't think we could have hoped for a better response than that, kudos to Dell.

Re: Praise where it's due

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:12 pm
by Cenobitez
This is exactly what i said in another post.

Dell Customer Care is awesome.

Re: Praise where it's due

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:24 pm
by socca
I agree.Excellent service.My PC was delivered very quickly not long ago,and they also agreed on monthly payments over three years -sadly I lost touch with them shortly after delivery,due to me moving to a new address.