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Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:15 am
by planeterotica
A man has been given an ?80.00 on the spot fine at Deal in Kent for literaly saying f.all, when a freind asked him what he had been up to this morning he replied f.all (not fuck all) and this was overheard by a WPC who slapped an ?80.00 fine on him, he has refused to pay and will have his day in court but is this another example of Blairs politicaly correct Britain being taken to the extremes if so better watch your Ps&Qs!sad!

Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:25 am
by steve56
stupid isnt it?planeterotica wrote:

> A man has been given an ?80.00 on the spot fine at Deal in Kent
> for literaly saying f.all, when a freind asked him what he had
> been up to this morning he replied f.all (not fuck all) and
> this was overheard by a WPC who slapped an ?80.00 fine on him,
> he has refused to pay and will have his day in court but is
> this another example of Blairs politicaly correct Britain being
> taken to the extremes if so better watch your Ps&Qs!sad!

Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:38 pm
by chatterji
Sigh. IF this story is even true, rather than a lame defence mounted by the swearee, I'm all in favour of something being done about the incredible levels of 'language' and rudeness that people seem to think are acceptable in public these days.

Obviously Bliar's usual lip-service approach is doomed to failure, but when did it become acceptable for people to call each 'cunt' casually and spit in the streets? I grew up on a shit-hole of an estate in the '70s and if we'd talked or behaved like that we'd have been given a talking to, or something more, to remind us to mind our manners. My mate's dad was in the navy and swore like...a sailor, but he would have belted us if we'd talked like that in public.

The other day my girlfriend was getting out of her car and smiled at a girl of about 15 who was cycling past. The girl smiled back and said, 'What you looking at, cunt?' We live in a rich area so perhaps it was a natural class-hate reaction, as the girl was Burberry'd up...which is another thing I hate, everyone's so envious.

I'm a working-class boy made good, and I always found it an incentive as I grew up that there were those who had better lives. I wanted to get one for myself. I didn't think I had to give anyone with more than me abuse or a good kicking. Society's never had more and yet people have never wanted to have more. Taking it, rather than earning it, seems to be be the preferred mode of social advancement these days. I'm only 38. I shouldn't feel so out of step with society and so fucking angry at the weak, lillylivered, lazy nation we've become, where we've allowed the dregs to take power on the street. I'll stop now. I'm beginning to sound like the bastard offspring of Travis Bickle and Maggie Thatcher.

Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:50 pm
by planeterotica
I take back what i first said after hearing this person being interviewed on the radio, he now admits that he did use the F word so if he used that word within earshot of a WPC in a public place then he is stupid and deserves the fine.

PC language.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:15 pm
by The Last Word
So are the police themselves not allowed to swear in the street as well?

I can't be the only forumite who's heard evidence to the contrary.

Re: PC language.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:47 pm
by planeterotica
He was on the telly this evening and came across as a little bit cocky, but as far as the fine goes i think its about using abusive language in a public place but in his defence it was at 7.0pm in a public park, if it goes to court then i am sure the outcome will be of interest to a lot of people civil liberties and puritans alike, i dont know of any law against swearing but no doubt they will dig one up from about two centurys ago. Well i dont know we cannot smoke in public, cannot swear in public, and we are not allowed to protest within a mile of Parliament even though Blair before he came to power said if he bacame PM the gates to Downing Street would be pulled down, and i suspect it wont be long before we all have to carry ID cards. Welcome to the 21st century.

Re: PC language.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:41 pm
by CanFod
The whole thing sucks imo. I mean not too long ago, there was that guy who got fined for putting his thumb up at those cops while driving by. And how many times do we see cops getting off scott-free when caught speeding? And an other example, the guy with a small 10" England flag on his radio antenna, and the council or whatever are wanting him to take it down. Yet when you have more pressing matters to deal with, these people in authority dont have the time nor day for ya.

Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:43 pm
by planeterotica
Apparently the civil liberties group has said that they will fight his case because it goes against civil rights to slap a fine on someone for what they have said before it has been heard in court, so i suppose that means he has to say f---k in court and then they will slap the fine on him!sad!