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Junk Mail.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:26 am
by stripeysydney
I keep getting these shitty E-Mails called chebby newsletters, every month and I keep deleting the F*****g things but they just won't go away, do'es anybody know about these things; I have'nt opened the mail, as I know it will be a pile of shit, but I am mildely curious as to what they are.

Re: Junk Mail.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:58 am
by MegaTon
Nice too know someone other than me gets them every month or week or whatever! I think its the same person called Sneezwort who is the brains behind these mails. Must of got our addy's from this forum board!

[Edited by moderator]

Attn: Megaton

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:04 pm
by BGAFD Admin
One of your suggested culprits has been edited (it isn't him). The domain registration details reveal their identity.

Re: Junk Mail.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:56 pm
by Peter
Siign up for a free membership at and report the little shit that way.

that should screw up his sordid little activities.

Re: Junk Mail.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:04 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Its the same dude thats been spamming/collecting email addys from bgafd for years

Started with UKsweet and has snowballed from there
All have one common theme,their crap when compared to a decent TGP like

What can you do to stop it,nothing

Spam Filters are seen as the cure but in reality they delete far too many valid emails to be considered useful so to be sure you have to read all the bilge - pointless

The only method that has a hundred percent guarantee of working is to not give out your email addy or use 2.

1 for the net & 1 for those you can trust


Re: Junk Mail.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:03 pm
by Jacques
I have a 'spider trap'. It lures robots to a certain page with a list of e-mail addys. These addys are for known spammers and so the spammers spam themselves and I don't get any unwanted mail.

Re: Junk Mail.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:13 pm
by MattK
We run a combined anti-spam and anti-virus solution for business and individuals. We check in excess of 100,000 emails a day in all. The deivce that we use to do this uses a learning filter based on the mail that it sees and we find that the ratio of false positives that are caught is a lot lower then you would expect (Typically 1 or 2 false positives in every 500 or so. And if a message gets rejected it can be set so that the sender gets a message telling them to get in touch if they think it has happened in error. We have never yet had a spammer call us!!!) It also runs the filtering on a per domain setting so if one customer is a mortgage broker they get mail that waffles about mortgages, where for another customer who sell clothes get mail that witters on about mortgages is filtered out (as they are always spam ). If you need any advice let me know as some anti-spam devices and anti spam software is better than you think.
