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PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:46 am
by dario

94 pages, but worth a read to put into perspective what has fucked this country up.

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:47 am
by dario

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:06 am
by Steve R
Thank you very much for that.

I have passed on that link to quite a few people.

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:51 am
by stripeysydney
I think you'll find that "Civitas" is owned by Rupert Murdoch, better known as the "Dirty Digger" who also owns the Sun newspaper, that well respector of truth and freedom [Incidently, he also managed to get the BBC shut down in China just after the Tianamen square massacre, just so he could keep his shitty satellite station going].
If you want to read a good book, read "Lies, and the lying liers who tell them", by Al Franken. It's a gem of a read, and you'll never again take the same view, that oh! this book must be right, because it says so.

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:01 am
by P-Nix

Well pointed out StripeySydney.

Civitas is a right wing think tank who have cleverly put out this book in the first week of the new year when there is fuck all else going on so they get a lot of publicity and people believe what they are saying is fact, and not just some tosspot's opinion.

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:41 am
by stripeysydney
Tell you what, I'll read "Civitas" if you read "Lies and the lying liers who tell them." Deal?
Incidentally, the people who Al Franken was having a go at in his book, are all under investigation in America for corruption now.

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:46 am
by Officer Dibble
OK, let?s cut the cobblers and cut to the chase. Civitas might have some connection with Rupert Murdoch somewhere down the line. Civitas might have an agenda (who doesn?t?). OK, right, so we've got that out of the way. That?s sorted.

But what is being highlighted here is a very real issue of very real concern to many people (including many forumites) that being the loony doctrine of political correctness and how it is distorting and obscuring reality. For instance - calling a spade 'a horticultural implement with excavational issues' instead of simply calling the fucking thing what it actually is - a spade. What the Civitas paper is pointing out is the fact that this lunacy is actually preventing society?s problems from being addressed because no one is allowed to say what they really are for fear that we might have to point the finger, for fear that we might have to lay the blame, for fear that we might offend some group or other. So, we are encouraged to put reality to one side, don the blinkers, and embrace the notion that we can in fact see the Emperor?s non-existent new togs, all in the commendable cause of promoting a harmonious society. The problem is that is doesn?t. If problems are not tackled head on they just grow and fester. Problems are not addressed, as that would highlight the fact that there is a problem, that certain groups of people might be a problem or have problems.

I feel that the greatest problem of all is the fact that the people who most readily embrace this detestable PC doctrine and don the blinkers are the one's who are pulling the levers of society; the one's who are driving the car. Yes, the middle classes. If they will not/cannot see the reality of the way ahead, does that mean that society is ultimately heading for the buffers?

Here?s a one page potted version of the Civitas paper. Read it. Digest it. Then have your say on the issue. That being - is political Correctness talking society to hell in a handcart?

Officer Dibble ? He?s a stickler for clarity

Re: PC - The Retreat of Reason

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:43 pm
by stripeysydney
Maybe so Dibbsie, but an intelligent Yank commenting on another Yank trying to get elected stated: "In your heart you know he's right, but in your guts you know he's nuts...