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Violent porn consultation

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:30 pm
by Paul Tavener
Has anyone responded to the Governments proposed legislation concerning banning the possession of violent porn? ie making the possession of some S&M material on a par with child porn?

The consultation officialy finished on the 2nd December but I believe they have unofficialy extended the time limit by a week to allow for late responses after a number of people complained about their website being down, so you still have time. Even a one liner would be better than nothing! ... rn-300805/

responses to:

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:32 pm
by one eyed jack
I've responded purely because I can't stand the idea of going back to slo-motion, soft focus porn with cheesy music...on this basis alone people should fight for their right to watch porn that they like....Besides up to waht level is considered violent?

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:45 pm
by jaybo
Oh sorry i thouight you meant a porn "stud" giving his female companion a good thump , you know who you are , maggot . JJ .

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:10 pm
by Cenobitez
Provac Dart for One!

Dude the models are highly paid, and in some cases are TOTALLY into that scene, so calling people names is silly

Normal Model ?10 an hour
Slapped Model ?20 an hour

(Note example prices not real)

So you are compensated for the levels you goto.

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:10 am
by jaybo
Dude i wasn't talking about a "scene" , i was talikng about going home and slapping his mrs , so calling names is silly , what do you call a wife beater ? me myself would not call him a man , you ? . JJ .

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:03 pm
by Paul Tavener
so why not tell them so?

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:57 pm
by one eyed jack
Jaybo...what are you talking about? Is this a joke gone wrong or some misunderstanding...your post followed mine so I don't know whats what here...are you accusing me of something? It looks like it but then I'm not sure...Please explain

Paul, i really applaud your efforts and what you are trying to do. I downloaded the paper and got as far as the 5th page when i realised where all this si going...the same old same old.

I fear this cannot be tackled effectively as i would hope because the dead line was December 2nd.l..It would be interesting to see which areas they conduct their reports from though.

This is of concern to us as a community because it threatens our civil rights to own pornography.

Trust me if these people have their way it would be a license to deconstruct the industry as we know it. The fact they are going after paedophiles and hard s&mers is just the start of it...I doubt if all that inderground stuff even makes up 0.05% of the business.

I have never stumbled across any of these types of things by accident and I'm in porn. All this protection of minors is rubbish. Its a thin disguise to increase their powers to harrass those in the main stream and shut down people where they can.

If they really want to go after the bad guys they know how to do so and don't need any extra powers to do it either.

When I was nicked several years ago, the old bill planted a tape they couldnt use as evidence in court because they wanted me to go to court. It really opened my eyes. When I asked around my "porno brethren" it turned out they got shopped for the same thing but got convicted on something else.

This consultation paper must be fought against at all costs....even those that think they don't fall into the normal realms of pornography because ultimately, this could effect you too.

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:47 pm
by jaybo
Hiya , no fella it wasn't aimed at you , sorry it just happen to appear under your post , as does this , but i understand what you are saying in the above post as this goverment seems to pushing towards a big brother/police state . Appologies for the missunderstanding or offence , none meant , the person it was aime at wil know who he is if he ever decides to frequent here again . JJ .

Re: Violent porn consultation

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:45 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Sounds crazy but nothing surprises me where Governments and the Morally Righteous are concerned

If material is made by consenting adult performers and viewed by adults then government should stick their noses elsewhere

I would have thought they would have learned by now that you cannot 100 % prohibit anything because it just drives it underground or off-shore

Question is where will they draw the line in the sand?
