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Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:09 am
by Deuce Bigolo
It staggers the mind to think that a guy who got paid USD200million is sueing for another USD100million,if true

Given that the project was dead in the water and 1 film,eventually became 3
you'd think 200million would be a good result for a years work but apparently not

I wonder how long it would take to spend 200million?


Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:34 am
by mart
Yes I tend to agree with you Deuce but it could be argued that maybe its time the big studios were more upfront about the amount of money they trouser.

As a NZ taxpayer, I am a bit pissed off about the tax breaks the production got relative to how much money was made.


Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:03 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Lets face it Blockbuster Hits make Squillions

In the end its the studios that are risking their money so I think Jackson should pipe down unless he's trying to become the next George Lucas and make walt disney productions from his own money

Another case which has wider ramifications for the locals in N.Z. is this wrongful dismissal case,permanent employee or self employed contractor?

The real reason films & studios in OZ & N.Z are used,is their CHEAP by US standards but this case may proof the straw that breaks the camels back
if it goes the wrong way.Permanent staff cost oodles in extras to keep on


Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:14 am
by The Last Word
Oh dear - children, children. Whingeing, slapped wrists, tears etc.

Lucky for us Kong looks spiffing eh?

Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:29 am
by chatterji
They owe him the money, plain and simple. He made them squillions and they tried to pocket more of the profits by diverting consumer items to subsidiaries. The fact he's already been paid more money than any of us can dream of, isn't relevant. Far as I'm concerned I'd rather The Hairy One got the dosh than some fucker of a film mogul.

Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:43 am
by Pervert
Agreed, Chatterji. Worth bearing in mind, too, that PJ spent the best part of eight years working on it, from initial planning through to promotional work and oversaw virtually every aspect of the films. A look at some of the extras on the DVDs will show him in the UK while the music is being composed and recorded, and having to work on the edit of the film via video link---and all this weeks before the film must hit the cinemas.

Given that he and Fran were working flat out, and also had young children to be supportive parents to, how they found enough hours in the day I do not know.

Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:11 pm
by mart
Hey, not so much of "The Hairy One". Have you seen a recent pic of him. OK, he hasn't shaved off his beard but he seems to have lost weight and specs and generally tidied himself up.
Oh sorry, were you referring to King Kong?


Re: Lord of the Rings-The Ugly Side

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:48 pm
by chapel
Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, you`d think he wrote the books himself instead of butcher them