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Resign now Tony

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:01 am
by Jock Strap
Is it me or is Blair getting off VERY VERY lightly after Thursday?
I've yet to hear a dissenting voice apart from George Galloway on Newsnight and people in forums such as this.
Is everyone too scared to say anything at the risk of sounding insensitive after Thursday's bombings?
Blair should be getting dragged over the coals right now for what he has done. He took us down a road that every intelligent person knew could only lead to disaster. He blindly (or worse, knowingly) followed Bush and his dodgy administration in a plot that transparently and obviously was rotten to the core.
His facial expression after hearing the news of the bombings was a mixture of his usual play-acting for the cameras and pure terror and guilt knowing that he had caused this terrorist attack.
Blair should be forced to quit in shame. For a man who is so concerned with how history will remember him it is ironic that his one and only legacy will be making the worst political decision since America decided to intervene in Vietnam.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:23 am
by Richas
If America is destroyed Britians not far behind. Europe hates us. It's only 60 years since Germnay last tried to fuck us. Both times we were saved purely by militiary and MASSIVE financial aid from America.
Unless we can suddenly learn to love and get along with pur European cousins we need to hold on to America for all were worth..days of the empire are long gone.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:26 am
by Richas
I will say though I agree Tony's camera perfomances at times like this are cringemakingly staged. Doesn't mean there insincere...just dreadfully contrived..he doesn't give the impression of a strong leader. Georg Bush on the other hand does, but sadly he also gives the impression of being a complete imbecile which rather ruins things....

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:51 am
by Deano!
To resign would look like he was giving in to the bombers.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:22 pm
by chapel
I`d like to know how its blairs fault. As far as I can see these fanatical Camel jockeys won`t be happy til we`ve all bought into their extremist bullshit and if we don`t we`re all infidels.
And as for Iraq, people there were scared to vote, was that our doing? How many people do you think had been persecuted and murdered under Saddams regime? How many more would have been if he was still in control and then when his sons took over after him.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:38 pm
by Jock Strap
hmmmm.....just seems like a heavy price to pay, that's all.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:39 pm
by Tequila_Woods
here we go again *rolleyes*

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:39 pm
by Richas
It's funny how people make out Bush is the monster and Saddam the good guy. Saddam dropped poison gas on his own countrymen killing thousands. Bush maybe an imbecile, he may be motivated by money and American interests, he may be wrecklessly gung ho...but hes not on that scale of pure evil.

Re: Resign now Tony

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:43 pm
by Richas
Have you actually talked to any Iraqi's Jock. I have there's loads round here on asylum. Not ONE has spoke out against the invasions. Those muslims bemoaning it are british born, non Iraqi who to be honest dont have a feckin clue whats going on in Iraq. The Iraqis Ive met are full of gratitude to Blair and Bush, some have said to me they are well aware America probably acted because of the oil but they couldnt give a toss what his motivation was, Saddams gone and thats all that counts. It's sad people have died but a lot more died to remove Hitler, if thered been a peaceful way to remove a mass murdering maniac like Hussein Im sure we would have used it but...oh well.