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We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:03 am
by Holden MacGroyn
I for one, am chuffed to bits!

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:40 am
by Deano!
Well, I'm happy for you. I'd love to have seen the look on Jacques's face. Imagine claiming pommy food is stodge ! Better than fucking snails. If I want to taste snails I'll pick my nose.

By the way, you'll be sick and tired of hearing about the Olympics about 6 months before its due to start. I'm in Perth, and I was trying to avoid even hearing that ' O ' word for months before opening day back in 2000.

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:43 am
by Holden MacGroyn
Aaahh but you lot have the luxury of good weather.
We need something like this to lift spirits.

It's only a stonesthrow from me so I better buy my tickets quick sharp.

And in my humble spirit, I'd like to say to any of our French forumites...HAHAHAHA TOUGH LUCK SUCKERS!

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:03 am
by David Johnson
I was surprised but really happy to hear the news. I went to the Commonwealth Games in Manchester and that was a fantastic event, a really great, fun experience. I would hope that the Olympics will be that but many times over.

Good on ya, Tony Blair (I rarely say this), Seb Coe and the rest of the team.

When can I buy tickets????

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:35 am
by Peter
David Johnson wrote:

> When can I buy tickets????

eBay, Sunglasses Ron outside the venue, or ticketmaster (?100 booking fee)

At least we stuck it up the cheese eating surrender monkies. I suggest we make the Olympic mascot Nelson the Bulldog just to rub it in!

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:46 am
by Pervert
Chirac's anti-British comments said we had the second worst food in Europe---after Finland. Did I hear correctly that Finland had a couple of votes to cast on the Olympic bid? Nice one, Jacques!

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:03 pm
by Cerberus
Oh great :(
so now what? After the sickening gloating is over?
Watch the council tax bills rocket? toll booths on the M25, M4, M1, M11, A1? congestion charges on the tube? London visitors tax? population evacuation?
Of course someone has to pay for "the dream", I wonder who that will be?
Can't move for the sporting elite dipping into their own pockets. Don't forget, wear the wrong gear, drink the wrong will not be admitted (that's if you can afford the tickets)lol.
Has this country finally sold it's soul in the worhip of corporate sponsorship?
Hmm, HM Government brought to you by global conglomerates ltd. Maybe not such a bad idea.

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:28 pm
by diplodocus
I was on the M1 when it was annouced, nearly bloody crashed

top news I reckon, after going to Manc's games i'll definately be hunting for tickets.

I see it didn't take long for the moaners to start chelping, i'd be happy to pay a bit extra tax to make this an amazing event

Re: We Got The Games!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:37 pm
by Marino
Not even the olyimpics would make me go to the east end.