> It was mentioned a while ago that she had gone st Spain
> to do a video.
Interesting. I remember a post in alt.fan.televisionx newsgroup
to the effect that it had been mentioned on a website that
she was in spain, doing a "wet video" of some description.
Ordinarily you would think this was one of the tame aquantics
type videos that she has done a few of, but I seem to remember
Hans Moser was mentioned ...
I think the site was roughly the same as the "nostalgic video"
one, but may have been called something different at the time.
Nostalgic don't seem to have any Amanda Long at the moment. It was never implied that this hypothetical video was available at their site, or anywhere else, or even that it had been shot. My guess is that it probably doesn't exist.
Being a devoted fan of Ms Long, I have posted about her a few times here. this search will find all those posts.
One of the earliest posts was never formatted properly, because I hadn't read the FAQ

I'll take the opportunity to re-post a bit of it now:
[ about ]
has a range of "Lucy Gresty Striptease" videos featuring various british models eg Chanelle: Claudia Cassali, Kelly: Amanda Hughes.. These have catalogue numbers like LG 40 - does this imply that Lucy Gresty has been hoarding a huge series of erotic vids featuring my favourite UK girls ????
(I've no idea whether site is reliable, or even still in business, so please don't take this as a recommendation...)