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Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:17 pm
by Ace
Well, I thought it was very good, and will be setting the video next week.
Great choice of Dr with Ecclestone

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:31 pm
by Red Triangle
Well I have been a fan since 1970s Tom Baker era and I thought the new one was just ace.

Eccleston was an inspired and brilliant choice and he pulled it off excellently. Piper was pretty good too. Episode was a bit strange in the way it was constructed but that was to be expected for a intro story to the new characters - I can imagine the series will get better as we go along and we get used to the new doctor.

Looking forward to next week!

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:41 pm
by tas
I thought it was pretty good as well, I admit I did lose interest after Tom Baker left the role as I thought the actors who followed him were pretty crap but Ecclestone seems to have been a great choice.

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:03 pm
Not bad at all. Bit of an odd start. Thought Match of the Day was going live to London, and Billy piper's bedroom!! Settled down quite nicely.
Good bit of political correctness ( blonde girl going out with black boy) but that maybe represents 2005 London rather than 1960-whatever...
If they keep the 'comedy' out this should be a good series.
fingers crosed etc et etc

Sid bit pissed soz..

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:09 pm
by Ace
Yes, I liked the Match of the Day style zooming in on Billies bedroom........crossed my fingers for perhaps some 'Snatch of the Day'

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:10 pm
by nachovx
I wasn't even goig to watch it - then I did and was expecting rubbish - but was actually surprised and enjoyed it. A good choice of cast and a nice bit of humour - was never a fan of Billie Piper in the past, but she looked good.

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:12 pm
by woodgnome
did anyone else detect the ghostly/ghastly presence of graham norton haunting the first few minutes? that must have made someone's day.

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:30 pm
by The Last Word
What worked: The Piper/Eccleston chemistry. Suprisingly good.

What didn't: Everything else, sadly. Cheaply shot and largely sterile in tone, this was a straightforward childrens show put on at the wrong time (it also reminded me of that awful techno/spy thing they did at teatime a few years back - Bugs, was it?). And why bother with CGI unless it's top drawer these days? Almost every effect was dreadful, as were the clueless supporting performances. I suppose it might improve given time, but this opening show was the wavering compromise I'd feared.

Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:40 pm
Piper's mother was disgraceful. Harping on about the bloody compo. Shite. But i suppose she did represent that sub-class of society which has been drawn in to that "let's make lawyers at lot of money" culture.

One would have supposed thought that young Billy/ Rose would have had a least 3 kids by her age, to different fathers, all of which had ADHD and asthma to maximise the state payouts.

But no, to her great credit, she had a job and wasn';t interested in flogging her story to some rag. Very commendable.

Let's hope she has set an example to the masses.


Re: Dr Who

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:45 pm
by rrankin
I enjoyed it. Ecclestone did well, and Billie Piper wasn't as shit as i thought she would be.

The first episode was always going to be a tough one, and setting the scene for the series meant the plot was a bit limp.

I hope the plots build on this first episode and get better - next week shows promise.