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Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 8:02 am
by TonyBoy
Does anybody know anything about a UK porno model called Lynn Smith? I know she's done some glamour and pretendy-hardcore stuff (pictures of her soaping a guy's cock are available on one of the yahoo UK Gkamour clubs) and I've heard rumours that she's been in Brit porn flicks. Unable to find anything however.

If anyone knows anything, let me know purrrrrrlease. For those of you who haven't seen Lynn, check out the Yahoo pictures, she's divine.


Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 10:16 am
by alec
Also check out NK0277.

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 12:18 pm
by TonyBoy
Sorry Al, you'll have to explain - what is NK0277? Sorry for being thick.

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 12:35 pm
by Ian P
No, you?re not thick.

NK stands for ?Not Known? (presumably) and 0277 is the girl listed on the first page of the ?Unknowns? section (see left). Strictly speaking, of course, it should be ?UK? ? except for the inevitable confusion with the abbreviation for the country in which we live?

Er? now I?m confused.

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 12:49 pm
by Rampart
Could be Lynn Smith. I was at University with her (didn't know her very well) and she's a lovely girl, very clever too. The thing is, there was a rumour circulating on campus that she'd been in a film called...wait for it...Superdick. So I guess I can positively I.D her for you, alec.

I'm certain she's no longer doing porno (it was basically a summer job for her) but I would love to hear of anything else she's in. Alec, is the Superdick scene fully hardcore?

Obvious question but my I would love to know...anyone have a copy of this film to trade?

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 1:32 pm
by Matt

Any chance of that full URL of the Yahoo club? She?s nice...

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 1:59 pm
by TonyBoy

You'll need to join to get the photos but it's piss easy. Have some tissues at the ready, that's Tony's advice.

Some geezer has now posted the shots from this site in there too.

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 2:01 pm
by alec
She happened to be identified by someone yesterday; so it was a bit of a coincicence that this thread was begun today. As I understand it the Superdick series on TVX (not a film sorry) was performed hard (Ben Dover behind the camera, Marino as Superdick) but filmed soft. There are 18 certificate videos available from Hot Stuff, but we are not going to list them - there's enough to keep track of as it is. Never seen her in anything else unfortunately.

Re: Lynn Smith

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 2:18 pm
by Rampart
Okay, are these Hot Stuff videos the Superdick scenes, or are they other scenes with Lynn in? Good to know the shagging was genuine. Hope there are some "out takes" around, hehe...

Re: Lynn Smith ? summer job!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 3:52 pm
by Ian P
Youth of today, blah, blah?

Dunno what the world?s coming to, blah, blah?

When I was at uni, a summer job was working as a binman (as in dustbins) in Sheffield. I guess we just didn?t have such opportunities for personal development in those days.

Whinge, rant, moan, sob, blah, blah?