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Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:18 am
by Illinoisblue

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:20 am
by steve56
funny i had him down for mr fish or

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:50 pm
by The Last Word
That 'linguist' was the esteemed Susie Dent, there to promote her excellent tome The Language Report.

You're probably right about the posh kids, Magoo, and how ironic - them going back to wearing the Burberry they once wore before chav culture's hijacking of it.

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:36 pm
by Illinoisblue
Hmmm, Susie Dent.

Is she the sexy innocent-looking word monkey from Countdown's Dictionary Corner?

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:07 pm
by Officer Dibble
Wheyhey! The old Chav Brassiere, eh? Next time I'm down in Chipping Norton I'll have to call round for a 'Big Chav 'n' Fries'. I may even push the boat out and ask 'Shazza' the waitress if I might impose upon her to 'go large?. I'm sure she'd oblige - particularly after I had brandished my 'wad'. Shit, she'd probably even throw in a 5-gallon beaker of Chava Cola, along with a daft hat and a balloon!

Officer Dibble

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:52 pm
by The Last Word
'Tis her indeed. And she's a lot smarter than that overrated, botoxed Vorderwoman, y'know.

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:17 pm
by Illinoisblue
Smarter and a lot sexier.

I bet Richard Whiteley's thought of a few conundrums involving Carol and Susie.

Re: Dibble's favourite restaurant?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:02 am
by PaulE
If you do go, just make sure you wear Burberry and plenty of 'bling' - there's bound to be a dress code! ;)