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Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:09 pm
by Holden MacGroyn

Fucking steroid injected, right wing Nazi slag. Let's forget that his dad was a Nazi Stormtrooper, let's also forget the fact that Arnie was close friends with Kurt Waldheim and even invited him to his wedding, YES THAT KURT WALDHEIM and last but not least, let's not forget his relationship with Jorge Haider leader of the far right nazi movement that has links to those cunts at Combat 18.
Fucking spineless racist braindead cunts.

For anyone that's going to try and mention the cash donation he gave the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. so what? That's called PR darlings.
Let's show that we are not racist in any way by donating money to a Jewish fund.
Let's forget every other religion and focus on the one that has hijacked the phrase "anti-semitism".

So Arnie made a few films, apart from the first Terminator, he hardly rocked the world.
What is it about the American youth that think "Hey he has big explosions and guns in his films, let's have him for President then he can Terminate the enemy."
Problems discerning a character from a real person?
They are prime examples of why abortion should be an open concept.

....and remember, keep it polite and let's not be Nazi about this.

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:18 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
You don't go far enough

Abortion is for the wimps

Try Sterilization...1st door on the left...thats the non-reversible kind

Look at the advantages...the body of Arnie with no effort

You just need to exercise all your digits more(if you know what I mean)


Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:57 pm
by mart
I'm all for that amendment. Its time the US had a Mexican President.


Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:13 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
Yeah it'll make a change to hear the masses scream "VIVA EL PRESIDENTE" and not get shot.
However, a U.S resident who is from Nicaragua would really tickle my fancy.
Maybe then we could get some punishment handed out for the Iran/Contra affair and none of that $20,000 fine or 6 months suspended sentence shit.

Bush Snr along with Weinberger et al got away with absolute fucking murder.

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:36 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
There were a few other links to the story, some US based, but the Asia one was the longest, that's the only reason I linked it.

As for old man Gustav being a Stormtrooper, Arnie tried to do the shocked thing and asked investigators to find the truth on his father. They came back with a Yes.
Arnie had to have known. It was table politics for the eastern blockers.

Hang on and I'll find some links for you Bim.

Ok, here's an old one from The Gaurdian, regardless of the paper itself, the story was there:

Here's another:

[quote]According to documents in the Austrian State Archives, Arnold?s father wasn?t just a Nazi party member; he also joined both the stormtroopers and the army, reaching the rank of sergeant major in the military police.[/quote]

And another:

There is one that links Arnie to Haider, a foto of the two shaking hands etc.
I can't find it though. As soon as I do, I'll post it.
The fact that he invited Waldheim to his wedding and was a close friend of his is pretty disgusting in itself.
Would you like to have tea with that sick fuck? I know I wouldn't.

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:17 pm
by Pervert
Let's not forget another California governor that no one thought could, or should, be preisdent.

That would be a story, though; from being interviewed on Magpie by Tommy Boyd to the White House.

Arnie a Nazi? You'll be telling me Santa has a white beard next.

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:42 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
[img] ... 0claus.gif[/img]

Now I'm sure someone will say it's a doctored picture or a conspiracy....

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:49 pm
by WillieBo

Thou speakest the right. I post from darkest Europe and speak as one whose wife's grandparents were Austrian. Grandpapa died in Birkenau as a result of trying to save friends and neighbours in Vienna who happened to be Jewish.

It is well known in Austria that Schwarzenegger is a racist and he and his family right-wing Jew-haters and Fascists. These facts are well known and public domain in Central Europe. Kurt Waldheim ? Suffered from 'Waldheimers Disease', an affliction which combined brutality with pathological loss of memory. Arnie's Dad ? Fully paid up Nazi. And If you don't know that don't post on the subject.

As George Clare memorably said on the subject (I paraphrase his elegant prose) 'The Germans were superb Nazis but terrible Anti-Semites ; The Austrians were terrible Nazis but terrific Anti-Semites'.

Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:02 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
The Waldheim/Haider link is enough to make me sick that a country of pedantic logic laps him up.

Even if you explain exactly who Waldheim & Haider are, the bastards will ignore the monumental significnace and bleat on about Hussein, Bin Laden and any other "darkie" Islamic fundamentalist.

Talk about fucking hijack a word.

Waldheim's failing memory was accepted as openly as the Iran/Contra affair lies.

So many fucking retards that simply repeat what the Politicians tell them instead of using their own brain and picking up a book.

A very close friend of my mothers, is Austrian and lived through the war years. She refuses to go into any much detail about their views on Arnie, but it does seem to be split. Some think he's the golden boy whereas some think he's a sick bastard.

What I do know is that old man Gustav was a Stormtrooper and I believe Arnie knew. His friendship with Waldheim & Haider is enough. He was also caught out making Nazi salutes during meal times in the 80's but laughed it off as a joke.
Yeah real rib buster Arnie.