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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 6:45 pm
by IV Hunter
Who is this guy or guys? Why dont you mind your own business and let us buy what we want, when we want and where we want...
If anybody knows who these sad people are let us know....We have friends who would like to meet them and let them know that they are taking our freedom to do what we want...


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 7:04 pm
by Matt
I dont know who they are, but I sure wish I had as much spare time on my hands as them...

I saw a posting from them where they claimed that pornography causes child abuse, and that peodaphiles all use adult porn, which doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

what's your problem.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 8:32 pm
by gradgrind
Look, it's simple.
Act within the law and you can do what you want.

If you think British law is restrictive, I suggest you travel
a bit more widely for some comparisons.

The trouble with idealistic libertarians is that you don't
think things through.

That's the trouble with democracy and parenthood- the idiots
aren't excluded from taking part.

Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 8:46 pm
by alec
gradgrind wrote:
>the idiots
> aren't excluded from taking part.

Very true. If the cap fits.

Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 9:07 pm
by alec
Has any one else noticed the fascist tendency evident here with both IV and gradgrind (perhaps one and the same? - gradgrind doesn't give an e-mail address). The first want to impose their moral values on everyone else (as the Nazis persecuted gays) and the second wants to place an intelligence test in front of becoming a parent (eugenics?) and as a qualification to vote - with the latter I'd suggest an upper limit rather than a lower one if he wants his opinions to gain ground.

Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2001 9:17 pm
by IV Hunter
I Travel abroad in my work and find that the restrictions abroad are less on porn...If you want it you buy it...If you dont want it you dont buy it....
At least you have the freedom of choice..Here the laws dont give you the choice...they tell you where and how you can buy it....Everybody should have the right to choose...
If you dont agree with porn thats your right....but leave the rest of us alone....
I lived abroad for many years and noticed that any country that made it hard to obtain porn had high sex crimes whereas the country who sold it openly had far less of these nasty crimes....That is a fact and not something made up....Its time people in power in this country opened their eyes and looked at how open porn works in the rest of the world.

Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 7:12 am
by TonyBoy
Actually that's one of the best things about democracy, because one man's idiot is another man's sage.

The mere fact that laws are more oppressive elsewhere is irrelevant. They are also LESS oppressive elsewhere. The truth is that the number of countries adopting a given legal position has nothing to do with whether that position is right or not.

Nations have to decide for themselves. In my opinion, liberalistic societies are generally the most productive, innovative, and happy.

That is my view of the "consequences" of liberalising our "pornography" laws. Perhaps if you have come to a different conclusion you would care to actually outline, logically and in detail, what you think the negative consequences of such action might be?


Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 7:13 am
by "The Taliban"
"Look, it's simple. Act within the law and you can do what you want."

Yeah. That's right. If only people would obey our laws, they'd be happy and able to do whatever they wanted.

Except, like, wear shorts and choose their own religion, and boring shit like that.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 7:16 am
by Liam the Great
I bet paedophiles all use knives and forks, too.

Re: what's your problem.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2001 4:21 pm
by Phil K
> Look, it's simple.
> Act within the law and you can do what you want.

I saw a report not very long ago of a guy who found a kiddie porn site and decided to inform the police. He copied some of the images to disk to show the cops what was on the site. Plod duly arrested him for possessing indecent pictures. Be nice if this kind of thing happened to IV don't you think? Maybe he'd then realise that our beloved legal system isn't quite as perfect as he seems to imply...