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Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:00 am
by Ace
See the BBC are editing some old TV shows where certain words are used. Don't get me wrong, if its shit like 'Love Thy Neighbour' or 'Mind Your Language' Im all for them never being shown again, the case of the Major on Fawlty Towers telling the diffrence between W**s and N*****s, or 'unfunny' Grandad in 'Only Fools' calling the corner shop a P**i shop is acceptable as its 'essential viewing unlike the 2 I have mentioned.
I had a post removed by Alec a few months ago for usage of W** and he very kindly emailed me to explain. We didn't agree, but I respected his opinion and he listened to mine.
Some shows like Minder have the usage of 'spade' and that is deemed offensive, but as far as Im concerned, its language of an era when it was everyday vocablary. Even Arfur patronising an Irish builder is priceless, but again, seen as offensive.
Bang out of order methinks

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:22 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Its all about the context

I bet that Blazing saddles never has that scene where the deputy asks for the Black Slaves to sing a good ol nigger song cut
due to the fact that its a comedy

Then again Politicial Correctness has led to some stupid decisions
mainly thought up by experts who are thinking as adults not as kids

ie Thomas the Tank Engine is bi-sexual-utter crap


Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:57 am
by The Last Word
Yes, it's language of an era when it was (perhaps) part of everyday vocabulary, but is that the case now? These shows do still attract wide audiences, a portion of which may not be aware of our language's heritage (and it's also done so these shows can be slotted into the schedule at little notice and with little checking.)

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 9:09 am
by steve56
if i recall rightly a episode of the professionals was banned cos of racist overtones about 25 yrs ago!?

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 11:29 am
by crofter
wasn?t that episode of the professionals that was banned not something to do with Nazis steve??

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 11:34 am
by steve56
it was based on the national front akas british movement mosely and all that.

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 12:05 pm
by muffdiver
And what do you want to ban next matey

I for one believe it is an adult's right to watch what I want, not what you or Tony Blair, Michael Howard or the late and not lamented Mary Whitehouse tell me I can watch.

Still I suppose, seeing as your on an adult film forum you would feel highly agrieved if someone told you they've decided you shouldn't be allowed to watch them any more, but hey it's ok if something you don't like is banned!

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 12:09 pm
by steve56
we are supposed to be living in a freecountry,i sometimes doubt it now.

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 12:12 pm
by Pervert
Political correctness, what a shite term that is. People should be taught what is acceptable language and behaviour, yes, but trying to rewrite history in an Orwellian way does nobody any favours.

Having the Major, who seems an amiable old buffer, come out with such racist language in Fawlty Towers turns him from a stereotype into something else entirely.

Yes, the language is offensive---but it is of its time, and educational in its way, showing what some of the thinking and attitudes of the time were. Do we go back and destroy, or reshoot, part of DW Griffiths Birth Of A Nation because it showed black men (actually white actors in black make-up) going around molesting white women, and the KKK as heroes?

Rewriting history doesn't change it, but makes it more likely that we won't learn from it.

Having said all that, Love Thy Neighbour was complete crap.